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busisiwe kekana
Yes I do
Crime is rampant in South Africa especially after the influx of illegal immigrants that cannot be trace since they are not registered anywhere, they commit crime and not easy to trace. The cameras will be handy in detecting everyone especially the ones with evil intentions. I fully support the initiative. We are no longer safe anywhere
No I do not
No I do not
These cameras will inevitably invade privacy. They will inevitably use facial recognition. I do not wish to be tracked and traced by our overlords, they have no right to invade the privacy of law abiding citizens in such a way. All New World Order agendas being driven here under a pretext, as is usually done.
No I do not
Yes I do
No I do not
Cameras do not solve or prevent crime. This is all about track and trace and control. I do not consent.
Yes I do
Njengoba ubugebengu bande kangaka. Ndicinga ukuba lenqubo ingayimpumelelo.
Besike sayicinga, saphinde sayithetha singabahlali base Drieziek 5, eOrange Farm.
Yes I do
Yes I do
It will be a very good move to have cameras installed it definitely help reduce the ever escalating crime rate and would definitely reduce the drug addiction and sales greatly , so ya I do fully support the idea and think it's a very good move but it should not be mismanaged and should be used to safeguard the civilians and not used against the civilians to safeguard criminals knowing south africa everything is used for corruption , with that said I do agree that these cameras will greatly reduce crime and house breakings as crime in south africa needs to fall and for that a full clamp down to drug addicts and merchants are needed as they are the cause of 90 percent of our crime rate so if used effectively crime will definitely fall.