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Yes I do
Too much loitering, drugdealing and streetfights take place in suburbs. SAP seem to be unable to protect people in city suburbs and crime start at unprotected residential areas. The victim become a statistic, the family of the victim traumatised and questioned and the crime perpetrator remain free and protected in jail and continue to traumatise the victims family. Sick situations.
No I do not
And what happened now? Home affairs want our biometric data to do what? No my friends, I don't want to see a camera near me. Your cameras are build for facial biometrics purposes. Do you still want to deny that you are part of facial biometric surveillance team that will spy our every move? Shame on you Vuma. While we appreciate your infrastructure and reliability of your network we cannot afford to loose our privacy and freedom of movement in a democracy. No to the cameras. It looks ugly anyway
Yes I do
Peter S
Not fully
WE have seen how quickly "technology" for "safety and security" becomes just another tool in the hands of autocratic, authoritarian government [at all levels].
Once it accepted as "the norm", who will be responsible to maintain the transparency and NON-invasive MONITORING through the use of this technology ???
One need only look at Russia, China, North Korea, Venezuela, and other authoritarian governments to see how "safety and security" becomes "party protection".
Not fully
Yes I do
Yes I do
With the high crime rate in this country any efforts to reduce crime is welcomed.
Yes I do
No I do not
No I do not
People can also sit and watch to see patterns in your behaviors to know when you are or are not at home. Linked to personal data or not, they know which street they are looking at and can find your house if they needed to. As criminals too become more sophisticated, they too can hack in and watch these patterns.
Yes I do
I do not believe that this technology will reduce crime, as I do not believe these cameras will serve as a deterrent. However, I do believe that the infrastructure coupled with the assistance of private companies will improve prosecution of criminals.
Yes I do
We need help to curb crime in the suburbs
Yes I do
Current goverment and SAPS do not have ability ir will to keep SA citizens safe. They are mostly overweight do can not even get in or out s police vehicle how can they apprehend a criminal
Yes I do
We have high crime rate in our area, house breaking, car hijacking, theft out of property, robberies, etc. This initiative will go a long way to minimize crime . We are prisoners in our own communities.
Yes I do
SAPS are incapable of keeping crime under control and once again the community has to look at private companies do do the job of the police.

Any payments for private security should be FULLY deductible.
Yes I do
This is a well needed support system seeing how crime in this country has increased 10 fold and needs to be controlled .
The police should be providing security for SA. So the government must end corruption and use taxpayers money appropriately. This is not happening, so private security need to get involved.
Yes I do
Robert David
Yes I do
I believe this may have an influence on keeping some criminals at bay. Every little deterrant adds up. It can be useful in follow up of criminals after a crime has been commited