Lockdown Regulations

Do you feel provisions in the lockdown regulations should be amended (too restrictive/not restrictive enough)?

42661 participants so far. Have your say below.

lockdown regulations

DearSA, in collaboration with a number of other civil organisations, is drafting new regulations to present to government. The new regulations will propose a compromise between civil society and government to encourage public cooperation, ensure continued economic activity and prevent civil unrest – in an effort to assist government in its objective to contain the virus.

In order to accurately meet the needs of all communities and government, your participation and/or comment is essential. Please scroll down to have your say or provide suggestions which are relevant or unique to your community, your business or yourself. Please note, we respect your privacy and will not reveal or share any personal information.

Mass participation by all South Africans is essential in order to accurately draft lockdown regulations which accommodate us all.

Have your say – shape this policy.

    Should the current lockdown regulations be amended?


    Important to note; This is a legally mandated public policy-shaping process. By using DearSA’s platform you ensure an accurate record is held by civil society (so government cannot dispute participation facts or figures) which forms a solid foundation for a legal case should the necessity arise. It is not a petition. Your input must, by law, be individually acknowledged and considered by government.


    Dear South Africa (DearSA NPC) is a South African non-profit organisation which facilitates public participation in all government administrative processes, applications, policy formation, amendments and tariff structuring. We operate at all levels of government, from municipal, through to provincial, national and State Owned Entities.

    We have an established countrywide network of almost 1 million active participants over the past two years from over 100 municipal, community and national campaigns. Our campaigns have facilitated almost 3 million individual public submissions to government and our website has attracted over 140 million hits in the past 12 months.

    We have a well established community network which spans countrywide and have established relationship with national government and parliament.

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