

(a) the provisions of regulation 23(15) of the Regulations in order to, among other things-

(i) amend the enabling provisions related to the substitution of the Current Exposure Method and the Standardised Method in the capital framework with the standardised approach for the measurement of counterparty credit risk exposures; and

(ii) make provision for a separate regulation, regulation 23(16) of the Regulations, to deal with matters related to banks’ exposures to central counterparties arising from any OTC derivative instrument, exchange -traded derivative instrument, securities financing transaction or long settlement transaction;

(b) the provisions of regulation 23(16) of the Regulations, in order to incorporate the relevant requirements issued by the Basel Committee in respect of banks’ exposures to central counterparties;

(c) the provisions of regulation 23(18) of the Regulations, in order to incorporate the relevant requirements issued by the Basel Committee in respect of the standardised approach for the measurement of banks’ exposures to counterparty credit risk;

(d) the form BA 200, in order to appropriately incorporate the relevant reporting requirements related to the standardised approach for banks’ exposures to counterparty credit risk;

(e) the provisions of regulations 31(6) and 31(7) of the Regulations, in order to appropriately incorporate the relevant requirements issued by the Basel Committee in respect of banks’ equity investments in funds;

(f) the forms BA 340 and BA 610, in order to appropriately incorporate the relevant reporting requirements related to banks’ equity investments In funds; and the provisions of regulation 67 of the Regulations, in order to incorporate the relevant required new or amended definitions.