

The City of Joburg calls for public comment on proposed tariff increases, the draft budget and IDP

    • Proposed increases are available in the summary below

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    Property Rates
    These will increase by 4.8% across all categories.

    Electricity provision
    Electricity rates will increase by 11.3%
    City Power Service & Capacity Charges +16.74%
    Prepaid Elect Changes – split into 2 categories:
    1. Low Users (indigent customers) +6.36%
    2. High Users (regular customers) +18.84%
    High Users will also pay R244.2 Service Charge plus R237.3 Capacity Charge (both plus VAT) i.e. a R553.73 a month increase (with VAT) for pre-paid customers PLUS 18.84% increase in electricity use

    Sanitation Charges (Sewerage)
    Increase by 7.7%
    Flats are now classed as multi-dwellings. Multi-dwellings under R700 000 value charged R314.68 per unit. Over R700 000 is R612.58 per unit.

    Waste Management Charges (Pikitup)
    Increase by 5.9%

    Water provision
    Water tariffs will increase by 7.7%

    Staff salaries increases
    COJ staff salaries will increase by an undetermined amount

    Pensioner rebate income thresholds for the 60-69 year olds will now be:
    1. under R12475/month for full rebate;
    2.  R12475-R21383 for 1/2 the rebate.

    Do we have the wrong information?