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Buffalo Flats
No I am not
Gosh - potholes - state of roads, Municipal grounds are not kept. Grass not cut in different areas e.g. pavements, cemeteries, schools. Illegal dumping is just ignored. People in Buffalo Flats claiming grounds to make their backyards bigger and park their trucks, after complaining to the DA and municipality, nothing is being done about it. The man even put a fence around "HIS" new backyard having braais there, kids cant play soccer there anymore. All because Quinton Kenny has connections in "HIGH" places. nevermind that he dumps his rubble on that ground too. Absolute failure of BCM and the political parties, shame they must be scared.
At the moment nothing. Electricity costs a fortune, everything is expensive, politicians and business people are just seeing to themselves and most are corrupt. the rich are getting richer and the poor becoming poorer.
just give another political party a chance to take over...don't wait till everything collapses.
Not fully
Ward I current stay in does not receive the same/best services as the other areas.
I live in a relative better part of Khayelitsha, middle class therefore my liking of the community is contributed by my earn of income and what I can access. Otherwise the majority of people are not receiving adequate service delivery. I enjoy the people.
There should be a similar process to consultant communities on their own development besides the IDP process.
No I am not
The roads are in an apauling condition and in desperate need of top sealing, I have sent numerous emails over the past years but to no avail. Think about it, we are 1024 houses in my street alone, taxes are R1075pm excluding services, just dirty steal-our-money tax, that is R1 100 800pm from one street and they cannot even reseal the 40+year old road surface. On top of the tax we pay for water, elec, sanitation, city beautification (whatever that is), and garbage removal. Where does the R1.1m go?
We all complain about crime, last year they stole my high performance PC (R80k, and the insurance did not pay), but that is nothing. Politicians and people in government that do nothing and get paid for it, is stealing far more. A senior officer in municipality can get R80k every month for doing absolutely nothing that is a bigger crime than breaking into my home and stealing. Same goes for politicians they get paid for ruining the economy and talking out of their asses - criminals!

I would enjoy seeing more politicians and perisites in government pack their things and leave, (or commit suicide). We need a Town plane where we can watch them being hanged, that will be great fun.
Upgrade the sidewalks so that cyclists and pedestrians can use them, it is absolutely appalling how arrogant the municipality is towards pedestrians and cyclists. In Selborne Av (the school street) some businesses (go have a look at no 7) have blatantly converted the sidewalk and bike lanes to parking, forcing the kids into the busy avenue, which Metro does nothing about.

This is understandable though, since once you buy a fancy car (using tax money) you apparently do really care about anyone else. Resealing the roads will also stop the rapid degradation during rain, but again...once you have that cosy spot in government or municipality and you have that car... pappa...then you have made it and de hell with the rest.
No I am not
Improve service delivery
Not much to enjoy other than its beauty and its people.
No I am not
Pot holes in Kassier and Shongweni Roads are in desperate need of repair. The verges on the road side and M13 need to be cut back. Debris from the floods we had months ago still have to be cleared on Botha's Hill and there are two sink holes developing and nothing is being done about it. The litter is also not being cleared. There is a total lack of pride and concern by the eThekwini Municipality.
We enjoy the fact that we are out of the city centre, it is quite peaceful in our area.