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2024-06-14 21:31:13 +02:00
Yes I do
No concern
2024-05-17 22:49:07 +02:00
No I do not
Ch.3 Establishment, Functions and Powers of the NHI
Nobody, including the government, should be able to dictate, mandate, or force any medical treatment or limitations to medical treatment and access to health care.
A person's free will to decide on healthcare should never be taken away from them, or put in control of any institution.
2024-04-13 16:00:19 +02:00
No I do not
Ch.3 Establishment, Functions and Powers of the NHI
2024-03-19 10:23:17 +02:00
No I do not
Ch.8 Operational provisions
Waste of money we don't have, and the system is flawed and destined to fail due to poor planning, and greed.
2024-02-29 08:31:27 +02:00
No I do not
Ch.3 Establishment, Functions and Powers of the NHI
We do not need a NHI. Government has proven they cannot manage anything on a national level. NO MORE GOVERNMENT CONTROL!
2024-02-05 10:50:44 +02:00
No I do not
All government departments are corrupt and mismanaged and this another attempt to further steal and mismanage
2024-01-15 11:06:45 +02:00
No I do not
Ch.10 Financial matters
No I do not support !
2024-01-12 18:16:07 +02:00
No I do not
Ch.10 Financial matters
The ANC broke down ALL working/operational institutions and the result was institutions riddled with corruption and the people that need care will be worse off than before. AND it is very difficult and expensive to recover such institutions.
2024-01-12 10:39:41 +02:00
No I do not
Ch.2 Access to Healthcare services
This bill is ill-considered, has:
* no workable funding plan
* lacks the staff required to make it somewhat of a success
* is being autocratically implemented whereas it should be on an opt-i n/ opt out basis
* will undoubtedly be subject to massive fraud and corruption as with other state institutions
* will result in an exodus of health professionals
* is politically driven by individuals who don't have a notion of what they are doing
* is prescribing to South African how they should spend their hard earned cash
* is unaffordable by employed moderate income South Africans
* will surely destroy the health system in Sout Africa
2024-01-12 08:59:39 +02:00
No I do not
Ch.2 Access to Healthcare services
The government has over the last 30 years shown that it is not able to provide basic health care via public hospitals and clinics. I doubt very much that the NHI will be able to solve this problem.
2024-01-12 04:28:05 +02:00
No I do not
Ch.10 Financial matters
2024-01-11 22:26:57 +02:00
No I do not
Ch.3 Establishment, Functions and Powers of the NHI
2024-01-11 18:34:42 +02:00
No I do not
Ch.1 Purpose and Application
2024-01-05 15:57:57 +02:00
No I do not
Ch.10 Financial matters
What a bunch of horse crap.The state owned entities are all running dry from all the snouts at the trough so now a new trough needs to be found.The money will be collected from the taxpayer but public health will remain the shitshow that it is.Their will be no change to the person on the ground how ignorant must you be.If this propsed NHI will go through or not that I dont know but "Do not estimate the power of stupid people in large groups"So sick of this !!!!!@
2024-01-03 08:40:59 +02:00
No I do not
the anc can not govern....alles wat hulle het, het hulle nou opgefok......hulle is net geintereserd in hul bank rekenings .....
hulle kom op met die kak idees om net weer stemme te kry met die vekiesings.....so jammer hul taktiek werk.....en so jammer die vet katte gaan weer die toekomstige vekiesing wen......
2023-12-20 11:58:06 +02:00
No I do not
Ch.10 Financial matters
https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/opinionista/2023-12-17-be-clear-south-africa-the-window-to-contest-the-nhi-bill-is-closing-fast/ Dear Government of South Africa, please stop trying to push a dead horse into legislation. That would be grossly irresponsible and would be a disservice to the very South Africans you are *meant* to be serving. Read this insightful Daily Maverick article for all my reasons why this is a ludicrous and harmful bill.
2023-12-19 07:37:50 +02:00
No I do not
The country cannot afford this. Nor can the ever shrinking tax base. This will bankrupt a lot of middle class citizens. And the government will mismanage the funds as they have done with all SOE's . This will collapse the country. Skilled individuals will leave in droves with their tax money . This is as bad an idea as EWC
2023-12-17 21:46:39 +02:00
No I do not
Ch.10 Financial matters
This government has a history of mismanagement with corruption running rife. The country cannot afford this bill.
2023-12-04 22:50:41 +02:00
No I do not
No to the NHI.
The Government can't be trusted to manage anything. Look at the failed Transnet, Post Office, SAA, Denel etc. Don't let them mess with private healthcare. Which is paid for, privately, by after taxed private income.

We need much less government in our lives. The government must stay out of private citizens lives. They should only concern themselves with infrastructure, and defending our borders, and constitution.
2023-12-01 14:16:57 +02:00
No I do not
Ch.10 Financial matters
Upgrade the standing health care service. Let the medical aids go on. It's only a money making scheme
2023-11-28 18:40:04 +02:00
No I do not
Ch.3 Establishment, Functions and Powers of the NHI
Collapse waiting to happen
2023-11-27 15:27:31 +02:00
No I do not
Ch.3 Establishment, Functions and Powers of the NHI
The current goverment (ANC) completely annihilated a fully functional health system. State Hospitals is in a mess, people do not get the correct treatments or medication, pick up nasty bugs in the hospitals and their treatment by staff is horrific. Seeing pics of old people, pregnant mothers sleeping on the floor is sad. How will they be able to run the NHI better than what they do now, when moneys for these institutions does not reach them. The military hospitals does not even have an ER ward.

This did not work in USA or UK so how does this goverment think it could work in RSA?
2023-11-23 10:06:46 +02:00
No I do not
The entire concept is unrealistic and unworkable. Government must be insane thinking it can be achieved given the fact that government cannot even maintain basic health care facilities that it is currently in charge of or deliver quality health care to the citizens that are currently reliant on government for these services.

Let me be clear so that you cannot misunderstand me:
1. I pay enough taxes to government to fund public services.
2. In addition I pay private service providers for health services that the government is too useless to provide.
3. I will NOT tolerate government dictating my health decisions to me. It's none of their business and they are far too incompetent and corrupt to have my best interests at heart. Leave me alone to take care of myself. I neither want nor need government interference.
2023-11-21 16:27:06 +02:00
No I do not
Ch.3 Establishment, Functions and Powers of the NHI
2023-10-25 11:26:36 +02:00
No I do not
Ch.2 Access to Healthcare services
I don't understand how it can be constitutional to not allow private medical aids. Also, there is nothing wrong with our current model. It is just badly staffed and underfunded due to corruption and looting.
2023-10-14 18:14:49 +02:00
No I do not
Ch.2 Access to Healthcare services
2023-10-09 17:41:41 +02:00
No I do not
The NHI is an ill conceived bill. It is based on faulty reasoning. It is like saying "Everyone is entitled to a BMW Vehicle because it has safety features that ensure human dignity and passenger safety". Then you go about funding that in some way. Perhaps you take taxes from some and pay them back in the form of granting them the BMW. In the case where people do not generate enough income and therefore do not pay sufficient taxes you cannot pay for the BMW simply from the money collected from them, so you need to fund that some other way. You could go into debt, that ends badly. You could take more tax from the wealthy, who will just leave or move their wealth offshore, or they will collapse due to the tax load. So that ends badly. Or you could force doctors to work for less. So there will be less doctors qualifying in South Africa since they have free will and are not slaves to the state. That too will end badly. Slavery was banned some time ago as any partially educated person knows.

This description is not meant to be patronizing. It is not meant to be insulting. What it does do is illustrate that there are a few simple economic and mathematical facts that we cannot dismiss. South Africa has a tiny portion of the population paying tax. We are NOT like Canada, New Zealand or the UK where their unemployment rates are in the single digits. And even then their standard of care is often dismal. There are many stories of people who receive substandard care when they are sick because they are forced to use state medical practitioners. That was in Canada. People have to wait in queues for hours for help. It does not even work in the places that promote that model. In South Africa we have a much smaller tax base. The other side of that means that South Africa has a massive unemployment rate (even if you factor in the way that that is calculated which means that it is actually far worse than that). That means that less people pay tax and less people have medical aids schemes.

According to an article in BusinessTech 2.5 million people pay 85% of all tax in South Africa. That means that out of a population of say 60 million people you have less than 4% paying the majority of the taxes. How exactly are the taxes or payments from 2.5 million people supposed to support services for all 60 Million people and for the quality of care to not be totally destroyed or compromised (?)


South Africa has elements of 1st world and 3rd world which coexist. This sort of bill will simply help to destroy the 1st world element and ensure that only a 3rd world services remain. A bit like when Mr Mugabe used to come to South Africa for medical care after he destroyed those services in his own country. One can only guess what would have happened to Mr Mugabe if he did not have the option of receiving 1st world medical care from a neighboring country.

Do not destroy what works in South Africa. What we would want is for people to continue to come to our country for medical care because it is amongst the best in the world. It should remain so. That means that that high standard of care remains available for South Africans and ensures that we retain the people who employ others, who run factories, who run businesses and who have the option to leave if it means that they get better medical care elsewhere. This bill threatens the very quality of life that many people who have money rely on. While it might be a great idea to ignore the needs of those people with professional skills and money because they are a small portion of the population, it would be a big mistake to do that. That 2.5 million people can always shrink. At some point the other 57.5 million people will get even more restless and that will likely lead to civil unrest. I would therefore urge the lawmakers to not kill the goose that lays the golden egg. The legislators should be trying to grow the tax base, not appease the jobless. The latter does not lead to economic growth and prosperity. The former does.

2023-10-09 00:09:41 +02:00
No I do not
Ch.3 Establishment, Functions and Powers of the NHI
2023-09-27 01:15:58 +02:00
No I do not
Ch.1 Purpose and Application
No is the answer when it is clear that health care in SA has not worked under this government at all.
Healthcare will come to a standstill as there is no way that SA can remotely afford this, when a first world country like the UK can not even manage it
2023-09-25 02:45:25 +02:00
No I do not
Ch.3 Establishment, Functions and Powers of the NHI