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Submitted | first-name | discussion | support-WHO | top-concern | message |
2025-01-09 17:50:08 +02:00 | Jesica | Yes I do | No I do not | Loss of independence in decisions on Health, pandemics and regulations in SA | I support South Africa withdrawing and leaving the world health organization 100%. |
2025-01-09 08:12:58 +02:00 | Dirk | Yes I do | No I do not | WHO influence on SA government | I think the ANC government is committing treason by allowing WHO to dictate to South Africa. S.A. is a sovereign country, NOT a satrapy of the NWO. |
2024-11-27 07:44:37 +02:00 | Harry | Yes I do | No I do not | Loss of Constitutional rights and Democratic process | After the last pandemic and citizen abuse they can take a hike...the damage done to us is untold |
2024-11-27 07:10:48 +02:00 | Eric | Yes I do | No I do not | Loss of Constitutional rights and Democratic process | |
2024-10-25 21:59:34 +02:00 | Angelique | Yes I do | No I do not | Loss of independence in decisions on Health, pandemics and regulations in SA | |
2024-10-25 08:26:19 +02:00 | Francois | Yes I do | No I do not | Individual sovereignty | |
2024-10-18 12:30:17 +02:00 | Linette | Yes I do | No I do not | Loss of independence in decisions on Health, pandemics and regulations in SA | |
2024-10-14 23:54:33 +02:00 | Luleka | Not fully | No I do not | WHO influence on SA government | SA needs to make its own decisions based on its own population needs, not based on what the agenda be driven by the WHO. |
2024-10-10 21:59:52 +02:00 | Geert F | Yes I do | No I do not | Loss of Constitutional rights and Democratic process | WHO is a leading party to install global control by unelected elite, that bypasses local government. they tried with covid and we all know how that went. WHO, UN, WEF, CFR, G7, G20, CDC, NIH, World Bank, IMF, and more , are all out to rule the rest of us. SAGovt shall reject all WHO's globalist initiatives out of hand it is a very big issue, see here for more : and to stay informed see CHAOS Newsletter [] for daily info on WHO's sins. |
2024-10-02 19:47:58 +02:00 | JM | Yes I do | No I do not | Loss of independence in decisions on Health, pandemics and regulations in SA | |
2024-10-02 16:47:05 +02:00 | Christine | Yes I do | No I do not | Individual sovereignty | According to the Nuremberg Code, a population cannot be forced into anything. Individual compliance is required. The Government does NOT speak for the people. The Convid 'pandemic' was a global hoax. Millions are dead now throughout the world, and those who haven't died yet have developed diseases viz myocarditis, pericarditis, turbo cancers to name a few. This lethal injection was meant to kill and maim millions, and it has. I DO NOT COMPLY! |
2024-07-13 14:23:14 +02:00 | Pat | Yes I do | No I do not | Loss of independence in decisions on Health, pandemics and regulations in SA | No to the One Health Agenda. |
2024-05-21 09:50:06 +02:00 | Christo | Yes I do | No I do not | Loss of Constitutional rights and Democratic process | |
2024-04-26 10:08:05 +02:00 | Jan | Yes I do | No I do not | WHO influence on SA government | The WHO is privately-funded and as such holds the interests of its financiers in greater regard than the interests of the public. It is totally ridiculous to see how much attention is given to what they say and do, our governments have become the lackeys of affluent individuals with questionable motives. |
2024-04-22 23:09:17 +02:00 | Thomas | Yes I do | No I do not | Loss of Constitutional rights and Democratic process | Each human being has the right to decide on their own health protocol. |
2024-04-17 09:27:18 +02:00 | Gayleen | Yes I do | No I do not | Loss of Constitutional rights and Democratic process | |
2024-04-16 05:13:32 +02:00 | Diane | Yes I do | No I do not | Loss of Constitutional rights and Democratic process | |
2024-04-15 08:03:05 +02:00 | Isa | Yes I do | No I do not | Loss of Constitutional rights and Democratic process | Control by the few on the many by oligarchy who do not obey the rules they create unilaterally. Government must serve for the good of the citizens, not control. Control is the aim of the WHO. |
2024-04-14 23:48:16 +02:00 | Anette | Yes I do | No I do not | Loss of Constitutional rights and Democratic process | I do not support any involvement with the World Health Organisation, they have their own agenda and it is not one that is of any benefit to the people of the world! Their fear-mongering and so called management of the covid plan-demic is more than enough reason to cut them out totally!! I feel very strongly about this! |
2024-04-13 17:51:54 +02:00 | Ilia | Yes I do | No I do not | Individual sovereignty | |
2024-04-13 15:57:10 +02:00 | Evert | Yes I do | No I do not | Individual sovereignty | Who are the WHO to say how it will work and take away your freedoms. The are lead by a person they say was part of people slaugther. Dont trust them at all. |
2024-04-13 15:49:10 +02:00 | Penny | Yes I do | No I do not | Loss of Constitutional rights and Democratic process | Stop bowing down to international thugs |
2024-04-13 15:01:32 +02:00 | Grant | Yes I do | No I do not | Individual sovereignty | |
2024-04-13 13:51:52 +02:00 | Joan | Yes I do | No I do not | Individual sovereignty | I think the South African government must tell the WHO to go and get lost , they don’t need to tell us how to run the country and what to do. We are quite capable to look after our selves. |
2024-04-13 12:41:54 +02:00 | Oliver | Yes I do | No I do not | Loss of Constitutional rights and Democratic process | Please reject these amendments. As a country and citizenry we should retain our sovereign ability to deal with health matters independently. The WHO will implement blanket solutions that may damage our economy our health systems and the citizens health and wellbeing itself. |
2024-04-12 16:03:01 +02:00 | Tanya | Yes I do | No I do not | WHO influence on SA government | Keep the WHO out of South Africa. This is our country and we need to decide things as individuals and as a country and not be told but a group of unelected individuals. |
2024-04-11 18:33:46 +02:00 | Ilona | Yes I do | No I do not | Individual sovereignty | We don't want the WHO interfering in SA's health protocols. Individual sovereignty is important! |
2024-04-06 14:03:53 +02:00 | Francina | Yes I do | No I do not | Financial contributions to the WHO using your taxes | |
2024-04-04 10:10:09 +02:00 | Chris | Yes I do | No I do not | Financial contributions to the WHO using your taxes | Everyone blames the pendamic for the sorry state of our lives - but the fact of the mattter is that COVID did not destroy our lives. The goverments response to COVID destroyed our lives. And it's not only South Africa - the entire world bent the knee to the WHO and everyone is suffering for it. South Africa should not give up its sovereignty to this organisation - our people should have body autonomy and we sure as heck should not have to pay them any of our tax money. |
2024-03-26 14:17:30 +02:00 | THEMBA | Yes I do | No I do not | Individual sovereignty |