whistleblower discussion paper


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Have a say o the Whistleblower Protection discussion paper

44 comments delivered to parliament (closed 15 August 2023)

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The Department of Justice and Constitutional Development invited the public to comment on proposed reforms for the whistleblower protection regime in South Africa.

    • The document covers both whistleblower and witness protection. The study aimed to evaluate the current legislation on protected disclosures and witness protection in South Africa, looking out for any gaps or shortcomings in the system.
    • divided into three parts, examining the legal framework, procedures and practices, and resources available to support whistleblowers.
    • proposes several measures to enhance the protection of whistleblowers. These include;
        • expanding the scope of the Protected Disclosures Act to cover more than just the employer-employee relationship,
        • establishing a fund to support whistleblowers,
        • and granting greater authority to the South African Human Rights Commission in handling protected disclosures.
          These changes could positively impact promoting transparency and accountability in various sectors.
    • recommends that whistleblowers be offered the necessary legal and emotional assistance to help them navigate the complicated legal system and deal with the emotional challenges that come with it.

Have your say – shape the discussion paper. [CLOSED]

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    Government has started to respond to the calls to protect whistleblowers. Justice Minister, Ronald Lamola, has made recommendations for the protection of whistleblowers which is now open for comment until the middle of August. The discussion document proposes measures such as a fund to support whistleblowers. To discuss we’re joined by Cynthia Stimpel who is the Director of Whistleblower House.

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