
Civil Litigation to challenge the lockdown extensions and other related matters.

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Dear South Africa

The DearSA legal challenge.

BREAKING: Pandemics Data & Analytics (PANDA) joins DearSA in the court case against Minister Dlamini-Zuma.

After successfully challenging the lockdown eCommerce ban and the exercise window, DearSA attorneys sent a letter to Minister Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma giving her until 30 October 2020 to provide reasons why she extended the lockdown, and to give an undertaking no further extensions will be given. As the Minister did not respond,  DearSA has now approached the High Court as we believe the extension published on 14 October 2020 is irrational, unlawful, unreasonable, and therefore reviewable.

After eight months of lockdown we now have a better understanding of the risks of Covid, and the best evidence tells us that further lockdowns will not materially impact the spread of the virus, but will do far more damage to the livelihoods of South Africans who have suffered a loss of income or jobs. Given the massive response to our public participation campaigns around various aspects of the lockdown, we are obligated to act in the public interest.

The cure should not be worse than the disease. Many South Africans have not only lost many basic human rights but have lost their income and ability to look after themselves and families. We must reasonably balance the health and economic risks. If the government refuses to be reasonable then it must be challenged.

If you would like to support this  challenge, please contribute directly into the legal trust account held with legal firm Hurter Spies      ABSA Bank, Branch code:  632005, Account number:  9316879207, Ref: MAT3179

or use the card, SnapScan or debit facilities provided below.

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DearSA will keep you updated as to funds raised, and the course of action.