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Ending the state of disaster — which has been in place for two years — will immediately benefit the country and can only help move SA forward.

Minister Dlamini-Zuma has officially extended the State of Disaster, yet again.

As such, DearSA has filed legal papers, along with co-applicants AfriForum, to end the National State of Disaster – which has been in force for two years.

President Ramaphosa’s cabinet last month indicated that the February extension of the State of Disaster would be the last. However, on 1 March after delivering a legal letter, DearSA received notice from the Minister of Cooperative Governance stating that the government intends to oppose our legal action to end the SoD.

This response indicates that the government has no intention of lifting the State of Disaster. Despite previous promises, the overreaching regulations are here to stay.

On 10 March, the government confirmed that it is indeed considering extending the State of Disaster. The reason is that it requires more time to finalise alternative legislation to manage Covid-19 in anticipation of a fifth wave.

Dear SA’s campaigns regarding Legal Action to end the State of Disaster and Mandatory vaccinations have so far received over 270,000 public comments, which is an indication that this is a critical issue for many citizens. Therefore, we will continue with our legal action to end the State of Disaster.

We must also query why the South African government insists on clinging to these emergency powers, attempting to make them permanent, as other countries have returned to normal and abandoned restrictions. Two years of civil rights erosion have had an unacceptable adverse impact on our economy, livelihoods, and wellbeing.

Notice from Minister to oppose

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Letter from Minister (isolation measures)

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Gazette notice (isolation measures)

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