Review of Burdens imposed on Local Government by Legislation

2 active citizens had a say

ALRC: Review of Regulatory, Compliance and Reporting Burdens imposed on Local Government by Legislation

The South African Law Reform Commission (SALRC) is reviewing the regulatory, compliance and reporting obligations imposed on local government through legislation and is inviting you to comment on its discussion paper. Submissions must be made by no later than Wednesday, 31 July 2019.

The Commission is calling on interested parties to make submissions about:

-onerous regulatory, compliance and reporting obligations ;

-how, in practice, these obligations affect municipalities;

-any proposals on how to streamline o remove these obligations; and

-what impact, if any, streamlining or removing these obligations would have for municipalities, other organs of state and communities.

Important to note; this is not a petition but is a legally protected policy-shaping process mandated under the SA Constitution. Your comment is immediately sent as a unique email to the designated government representative and must, by law, be acknowledged and considered. Had this been a petition, all comments would be seen as a single collective submission.

By using DearSA’s service you ensure an accurate record is held by civil society (on DearSA’s encrypted database) so government cannot dispute participation facts or figures. This process forms a solid foundation for a legal case should the necessity arise.

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