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Yes I do
Service delivery
The area is dirty and there are no street lights. Parks are no longer being maintained. Only a few of us who is using the prepaid electricity whereas the others are still enjoying free electricity without paying. Where is equality in this?
Yes I do
Cost of living
Yes I do
Cost of living
How is it possible that the incompetent, overpaid people in the Civil Service can be so oblivious of the burden placed on the taxpayer, many of whom are on fixed incomes, to be continually increasing rates and taxes? Has it not occurred to them that the Country could run out of money?
Yes I do
Service delivery
Yes I do
Municipal collapse
Yes I do
Municipal collapse
Municipal rates increases are far in excess of year-on-year consumer price increases and are driving inflation ... what about government's goal to restrict inflation to between 3% to 6%? Most rates, fees, licences, permits and other charges levied by government exceed 6% annual increases, but pensioners in particular do not see 6% increases ie financially squeezed out of existence.
Yet municipal rates increase above 6% to fund councillor & municipal workers annual increases to the point that the wage bill cripples Service Delivery.
Yes I do
Cost of living
It's hard enough trying to cope, as it is. Some of us also take care of our parents who are trying to survive on the pathetic government pension.
Yes I do
Cost of living
Yes I do
Cost of living
This constant demand for more and more rates and taxes is theft and South Africans cannot support this.
No I do not
Cost of living
Yes I do
Municipal collapse
South African tax payers are over-taxed at every level of govt. National taxes, municipal rates and taxes, land taxes, VAT, CGT, import tariffs - even traffic fines, which are known to top up budgets - all these are far too high because: a) the number of taxpayers in SA is too small to support the grandiose social schemes of the ANC govt - tax too much and tax payers take their money and skills elsewhere; b) taxation has crossed the threshold at which the law of diminishing returns kicks in - tax payers will now do what they can to lessen their tax load, legal or illegal; c) a huge proportion of tax is stolen, misused, wasted, lost; if govt. at all levels was forced to do with less, it might start cost-cutting, eliminating corruption and tightening up service delivery; d) taxing disproportionately takes money that tax payers would otherwise invest in their businesses, use to improve their standard of living (ie. they'll spend more) and generally use effectively - much, much more effectively than a deeply corrupt, incompetent govt and civil service incapable of good policy, let alone carrying it out; e) despite the high levels of tax, citizens often have to provide services that the state should provide through taxation - security, water and electricity, road repairs and so on - it's double taxation which leaves a lot less money in people's hands to put to wealth creation, jobs, entertainment, holidays etc. All this is Economics 101. Would that the ANC could get its head round such basic stuff.
Yes I do
Municipal collapse
Yes I do
The ANC two legged corrupt Piggies will never be satisfied and always cheat and steal. These corrupt demagogues can't even run an electricity company without bleeding it to death. They would steal food from a child and laugh as the child starves to death, while they wash their filthy hands in champagne. They should not be allowed to change anything to ensure them another second of political life. They need to be removed in the next elections, with surgical precision, like the cancer they are. The ANC government are like ticks on the butt on the South African Nation.
Yes I do
Cost of living
Yes I do
Service delivery
Rates and taxes should not be required to be increased. Instead, ensure the town management is delivering services that will attract people so that the tax base can grow. This will allow the covering of costs increases.
Yes I do
Cost of living
Yes I do
Cost of living
Yes I do
Municipal collapse
The country has been raped into the ground!
Yes I do
Cost of living
As interest rates are going up and up, fuel prices are the highest ever with insane percentage increases this year alone and disposable income decreasing every day a Freeze on municipal rates and taxes will help the man on the street to keep head above water. A basic salary increase of <6% per annum does not cover all these increases in cost. We are in need of some relief as if this trend continues the poverty level will rise, unemployment will rise and the country as whole with all its people will suffer. When will the country/government start looking at the people of South Africa as a collective community and take care of them all rather than line their own pockets and continue with their corrupt trends?
No I do not
Municipal collapse
Rates and taxes is becoming another way to fund corruption. The total collapse of basic services such as road maintenance is a clear indication that municipalities are not capable to use the monies they have effectively. Increases will make no difference.