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Yes I do
Municipal collapse
Yes I do
Cost of living
Most municipalities think they are there to steal money to be able to cover costs not related to service delivery. If they use it are whole infrastructure would not be in this mess. I for instance unplug all plugs, switch of my geyser, hardly cook and mostly eat food that is cold. I do use my kettle. My electricity bill stays the same. After three weeks away I came back and my geyser was warm enough to bath. I try and save but are not able too. We pay but do they pay Eskom, Rand water, fix potholes or robots. No not at all. I am not rich but are unable to pay anymore. Over 80 we asked for a reduction in the of the property rates. So far no answer yet.
Yes I do
Cost of living
Yes I do
Cost of living
Yes I do
Cost of living
Yes I do
Cost of living
We are already Taxed to death on everything! It's just more money for these comrades to line their own pockets! This is pure greed...
Yes I do
Cost of living
Yes I do
Cost of living
I cannot afford spiraling costs of living, thats ONLY happening to fuel an ever increasing appetite of greedy officials. If they all stopped stealing we would afford to live
Yes I do
Cost of living
Yes I do
All of the topics is a concern, we are not getting services from Municipalities as we should, yet we pay our bills monthly.
Cost are so high is becomes a problem to just get through a month
Yes I do
Municipal collapse
Poor service delivery, Corruption and misgovernance, the increased cost of living due to the erosion of the rand due to the states failure to govern the country as seen in the erosion of Eskoms ability to provide electricty, and all the Corruption and misgovernance abound. Why must we pay more for continually less!!!
Yes I do
Cost of living
Many of us are battling financially.
Yes I do
Municipal collapse
Yes I do
Cost of living
People just cannot afford and increase
Yes I do
The municipalities just don't give a damn about us SA citizens huge unemployment and other many problems here in SA and that we cannot afford to keep on paying for increases in the municipal rates and taxes each year, simply because the municipal employees keep on demanding salary increases year on year, irrespective of the very poor economy and the huge unemployment currently here in SA that have made so many citizens poorer and poorer. Then us municipal rates and taxes payers don't receive all the municipal services that we pay for either, which is totally unacceptable to everyone! The ANC government and municipalities just keep on demanding more and more and more municipal rates and taxes unabatedly without any thought whatsoever where us rates and taxes payers must get the money from. The ANC government and municipalities definitely do need to take great note and consideration of the fact that the private sector employers have also been disadvantaged a heck of a lot by the very poor economy and a serious lack of finances within the private sector businesses with very small annual increases for their employees, if there are any annual increases for employees at all and in so many cases there are no financial bonusses either. I personally know of several private sector employees who have not received any annual salary increases for the past 3 years and they cannot complain about it if they want to keep their jobs and other private sector employees who have had to take pay-cuts just to keep their jobs, or get retrenched! So please do freeze the municipal rates and taxes until such time that SA has really recovered and improved as far as the unemployment and the poor economy is concerned and employees working for the private sector businesses, their salaries are starting to improve each year! Thank you very much!
Yes I do
Municipal collapse
Paying rates and taxes in town and on the farm, but we are fixing potholes ourselves!!!
Yes I do
Cost of living
Yes I do
Cost of living
You cant keep raising the prices when you aren't delivering the services properly. Fix what we already paid you for, then consider raising prices. Also if you STOPPED STEALING ALL THE DAMN MONEY youd have enough to prevent price increases for years.
Not fully
Cost of living
Yes I do
Municipal collapse
Rates continue to increase year after year. Yet we receive nothing, directly for the exorbitant rates and taxes we pay. Municipalities are wracked due to bribery and corruption and fat salaries for doing nothing but ....