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Yes I do
Cost of living
Yes I do
Municipal collapse
Municipality is non existing, services... What services... Replacing tyres and rims monthly... They 'fix' a pothole which opens with a little rain the next day? incompetence... Our town is collapsing but they do nothing. Fancy buildings in QwaQwa and Intabazwe yes, paving roads in these areas yes, do they pay taxes? Millions were written off each year, we saw it when we still had a newspaper.
Yes I do
Cost of living
Yes I do
Service delivery
THe damaged road on 7 passes between Wildernis and George has been closed for a long time now and is seriously disrupting the local community, and is making it more difficuilt for children to get to school in George. The national road between Wildernis and George via kaaiman's river also took a long time to be rebuilt, and this looks like wastefull expenditure, since the old road was fine and didnt need any extensive repair, appart from, a re-seal. THe newly built road had had its top surface again removed before the river crossing, and this looks like CORRUPTION at work. Please investigate the whole project.
Yes I do
Service delivery
Yes I do
Cost of living
Yes I do
Cost of living
Yes I do
Service delivery
The municipality is useless. All roads are full of potholes, water on the tap only comes out once a month and the Tswinga gravel road is yet to be tarred. Further, the lack of accountability strongly indicates we have no leadership in this municipality but greedy people.
Yes I do
Cost of living
Rates and taxes are too high for pensioners, it should be reduced to a much lowercrate or zero.
Yes I do
Service delivery
Yes I do
Cost of living
We are less than half of the country who has to take rising costs and taxes every day. We cannot afford it anymore! Government employees have to pay as well therefore the government itself need to set the example and pay for everything like we have to. You spend money on rubbish and we have to pay. It's unfair. Our municipality does nothing for our town, why pay them, for what service?
Yes I do
Cost of living
Very high cost of living in South Africa.
No I do not
Cost of living
Yes I do
Municipal collapse
Yes I do
Cost of living
Yes I do
Cost of living
Let businesses, companies, and corporations start paying their fair share for using our infrastructure.
Maybe start looking into some socialist / communist solutions.
No need for private sector vultures to come sweeping in to "rescue" the situation (i.e. line their own pockets)
Yes I do
Municipal collapse
We are already over extended as a result of your incompetence, corruption and mismanagement.
No I do not
Service delivery
Money collected a small portion of paying ratepayers here . Thus no concern to paying customers- pensioners a little above the R95k threshold not taken into account if they struggle to make ends meet too. Rates water fuel and COL and no medical not easy. Streets/roads in Dalton no cleaning maintenance pothole filling sewage control vermin control to name few. Kind of absentee landlord syndrome.

Yes I do
Cost of living
The majority of South Africans are already unable to cover their most basic living costs. The freeze is necessary to ensure that we can pay for essential expenses.
Yes I do
Cost of living