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Yes I do
Cost of living
No employment opportunities to afford the taxes. Many illegal immigrants benefit from services like water, electricity and hospitals without paying into the system. We can't carry everything
Not fully
Service delivery
Municipals that fail to deliver services must not be paid rates until they deliver services. South african citizens cannot be double taxed because of the incompetence of some municipalities
Yes I do
Sick of paying more to indirectly fund corruption, crime, incompetence, ignorance.
Yes I do
Cost of living
Yes I do
Service delivery
In every other context besides govenrment. You receive a product or service and you pay. For government, you pay and possibly never receive any service.
e.g. We don't pay for local municipalities to fix roads, we pay for a working road system. If it is not working, how can people be forced to pay ...
Yes I do
Cost of living
Yes I do
Service delivery
If a municipality is unable to provide adequate services to the residents of an area, they should not have to pay additional fees to support corrupt and failing municipalities
Yes I do
Cost of living
We ask consumers hard pressed on all sides. We wish to pay our bills too. We also expect municipalities to perform more productively and efficiently, there by saving monies . it is clear our municipalities by and large, are unproductive, there by unfairly requiring the consumer to pay for that. That is morally reprehensible.
Yes I do
Cost of living
NO, no no!!! anc kaders are "killing' the economy and impoverish the SA population!!
Yes I do
Municipal collapse
Yes I do
Municipal collapse
The various regional and local and main government have failed totally in their ability to assist in the growth of business and have squandered billions through lack of ethics and governance the taxpayer should not have to foot the bill.
Yes I do
Cost of living
Yes I do
Cost of living
I cannot afford spiraling costs of living, thats ONLY happening to fuel an ever increasing appetite of greedy officials. If they all stopped stealing we would afford to live
Yes I do
Municipal collapse
Yes I do
Municipal collapse
Yes I do
Cost of living
Unnecessary lock downs were imposed on the people and many lost jobs and businesses. All increases should be frozen for a minimum of 5 years to allow people to feed their families and allow the country to stabilise.
Yes I do
Municipal collapse
Everything is collapsing, yet we must pay ridiculous rates so people can steal more.

Pretty soon there will be nothing left to steal... What then?

People are running out of money, you wont be able to collect nothing! Keep it up! useless!
Yes I do
Service delivery
No more income increases for municipalities not providing services to residents.
Yes I do
Municipal collapse
Keep it frozen until the Local Government proves that they are capable to Govern to the benefit of the people of the region and not mismanaging the funds available. To put their political differences aside for the term in office. Build a better future for all and service delivery to all during their term in office.
Yes I do
Municipal collapse