
To regulate public procurement; to prescribe a framework for procurement
policy envisaged in section 217(3) of the Constitution; and to provide for
matters connected therewith.


WHEREAS the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa stipulates that
procurement must occur in accordance with a system which is fair, equitable,
transparent, competitive and cost-effective;

AND WHEREAS the Constitution allows for organs of state to implement a
procurement policy providing for categories of preference in the allocation of
contracts and the protection or advancement of persons disadvantaged by unfair discrimination within a framework prescribed by national legislation;

AND RECOGNISING that the Constitution requires efficient, ethical, effective,
equitable and development-oriented public administration in all organs of state and all spheres of government;

AND IN ORDER TO advance economic opportunities for previously disadvantaged people and women, the youth and people with disabilities, small businesses, and promote local production;

AND IN ORDER TO create single regulatory framework for public procurement to eliminate fragmented procurement prescripts,