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Public hearings on Cannabis for Private Purposes Bill, Virtual Meeting Platform, National Assembly

Several years after the landmark Constitutional Court judgment legalising the private use of cannabis, the Cannabis for Private Purposes Bill has been introduced. High hopes have been dashed though as the Bill has come in for some stinging criticism for failing to live up to the spirit of the apex court’s ruling. How did we get here and what happens next? Michael Avery speaks to Paul-Michael Keichel, Partner, Schindlers Attorneys; Dr Keith Scott Chairman of the South African Drug Policy Initiative; Andrew MacPherson, Senior Associate in the Dispute Resolution practice at Commercial law firm Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr; & Petri Redelinghuys, founder of Herenya Capital

This video is about the 2020 cannabis for private purposes bill in South Africa. Most of us have very little understanding with regards to how a bill works and gets passed. We reached out to Schindlers Attorneys and they generously offered to help explain what a bill is and how it gets passed. Schindlers Attorneys has it’s own cannabis department with professional support staff and further support from three of the firm’s partners.

The Business Day Cannabis Economy LIVE in partnership with Afriplex is hosting a series of webinars, starting on the 27th of August 2020 to discuss “the role of Cannabis in rebuilding SA’s economy”. A panel of experts will address the following topics that comprise the international and local cannabis economy:
• Green Gold or Fools Gold? – Mark Diuga (Managing partner of the AfriCan Growth Fund)
• Let’s talk Cannabidiol – Sean Willard (Pharmacist, Holistic Cannabis Practitioner and National Training and PR Manager for Releaf Pharmaceutical)
• Positioning the Western Cape as the Medicinal Cannabis Hub of Africa – Tim Harris (CEO of Wesgro)
• The future of cannabis in the South African Economy – Bronwyn Williams (Economist, Trend Analyst and Futurist, Flux Trends)
• Join Joanne Joseph, Danie Nel (Managing Director, Afriplex) and our industry experts for some much needed clarity on the cannabis industry that is filled with a cacophony of misleading information.

The Cannabis for Private Purposes Bill

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Memorandum of Objects

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Encourage participation – distribute this notice

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