The Minister of Minerals and Energy calls for public comment on the National Nuclear Regulator Amendment Bill.
- The Bill seeks to address the existing gaps in the current National Nuclear Regulator Act, 1999 (Act 47 of 1999).
- It strengthens the enforcement provisions of the inspectors and the occupational safety exposure risks for the air crews.
- It also seeks to align with the International Atomic Energy Agency prescripts and its best practice.
Add your objections, suggestions, or have your say below.
1 comments delivered, so far (closes 20 Sep 2021)
Have your say – shape the outcome.
Section 84 of the Constitution provides for the President to call a national referendum. Section 127 provides for Premiers to call a provincial referendum, in terms of national legislation.
However, in its current form, the Referendums Act only allows for the President to call a referendum and does not provide for a Premier to call for a referendum in a province. The draft Bill, therefore, seeks to address this omission by an amendment enabling a Premier to exercise their Constitutional powers to call a provincial referendum, to ensure that provincial residents can make their voices heard on important issues.
This Bill seeks to bring power closer to the people by giving elected Premiers the mechanism to use their constitutional powers to call referendums on crucial service delivery issues, where the dysfunctional national government has failed, such as railways, the police, and electricity generation.