Non-Racialism Bill


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INVITATION TO COMMENT: Twenty-First Constitutional Amendment Bill (Non-racialism Bill)

82 comments delivered to the government so far

click the link for more info, or scroll down to have your say

The Referendum Party (RP) invites your input on a proposed constitutional amendment which would end race-based policy in South Africa.

The constitution already explicitly prohibits unfair discrimination on the basis of race, but section 9 (2) has come to be read as to permit racial discrimination against categories of persons in order to advance equality. The proposed legislation will establish a fairer and more just framework through which to advance equality, whilst bringing an end to the use of race to make blanket decisions about individuals.

Have your say – influence the decision.

    Do you support the proposed Constitution 21st Amendment Bill (Non-Racialism Bill)?

    What is your top concern? (scroll down to view info on each point)

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    Check your email address then hit send! You will be redirected to a confirmation page.


    RP Drafts Non-racialism Bill And Circulates For Comment

    The Referendum Party (RP) has drafted a Non-racialism Bill and circulated it for comment. It will officially be referred to as the ‘Constitution Twenty-First Amendment Bill’ and its purpose is to finally bring an end to all race-based policy and legislation in South Africa.

    Two morally indisputable principles are at the heart of the Bill: that we are unique individuals and are therefore entitled to have our specific circumstances taken into account, and that in remedying the effects of unfair discrimination against a person or persons, it is unjust for the state to unfairly discriminate against another person or persons.