marriage bill

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Have a say on the draft Marriage Bill
comments delivered to parliament

The Department of Home Affairs invited public comment on the Draft Marriage Bill, 2022.

    • To rationalise the marriage laws pertaining to various types of marriages;
    • to provide for the recognition of marriages entered into by spouses regardless of the religious, cultural, sex, gender, sexual orientation or any other belief of the spouses;
    • to provide for the requirements for entering into a marriage;
    • to provide for registration of marriages;
    • to provide for the legal consequences of a marriage;
    • to provide for consent to enter into a marriage;
    • to provide for age determination;
    • to provide for equal legal status and capacity of spouses to a marriage;
    • to provide for the designation of marriage officers;
    • to provide for solemnisation of marriages;
    • to provide for the dissolution of marriages.

Have your say – influence the decision.

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    Chapters of the Bill 

    Download [77.58 KB]

    Preamble to the Bill

    Download [89.61 KB]