

A small contribution will immediately help reach a larger audience.

Or use the form below for card or direct debit.
Bank details are at the end of this page. DearSA is a registered non-profit ensuring fair and accurate Public Participation Processes to benefit all South Africans. 

This site is verified and secure – should the form not load, click here.

*Campaign reference; JDSA (please enter this in the first block)

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Well done Active Citizen!

  • You are free to amend or cancel at any time by contacting us directly here.
  • Securely managed by transactional partners Linkserv.

Should you wish to do an EFT, our bank details are;

Account Name; DearSA NPC
Account Number; 62791143284
FNB Branch Code; 250 655
REFERENCE; DSA [your name]

Important; if using EFT please send a POP to admin@dearsouthafrica.co.za so we may link the contribution to you.