Feeds and Pet Food Bill – draft

The Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries has published the draft Feeds and Pet Food Bill and is asking you to comment.

The Bill seeks to provide for:
• regulation of feed and pet food,
• regulation of feed ingredients used in the manufacturing of feed and pet food,
• licensing or registration of facilities used for the manufacturing of feed or pet food,
• appointment of a Registrar to administer the Act,
• appointment of advisory committees
• advisers, assignees, auditors, and inspectors to assist the Registrar in the exercise of his or her powers in the regulation, compliance monitoring and enforcement of this Act.

You are invited to provide suggestions or comments in support or objection via the form below. Should you be unsure, please read the live comments, media, summary or documents below.   Closing date is Tuesday, 9 April 2019.

31 active citizens had a say

Add your comment now.


    A copy of your message will be sent to you along with an automated proof of receipt. Check your junk mail folder if you can’t find it.

    The Feeds and Pet Food Bill has been drafted to provide for:

    the regulation of feed and pet food;
    the regulation of feed ingredients used in the manufacturing of feed and pet food;
    the licensing or registration of facilities used for the manufacturing of feed or pet food;
    the appointment of a Registrar to administer the Act;
    the appointment of advisory committees, advisers, assignees, auditors, and inspectors to assist the Registrar in the exercise of his or her powers in the regulation, compliance monitoring and enforcement of this Act.


    the need to ensure the manufacturing of safe feed for animals intended for human consumption;
    the need to ensure the manufacturing of safe pet food intended for companion animals;
    the critical role that feed play in food safety, nutrition and food security;
    the need for a traceability system within the feed and pet food industries.


    protect the consumers and users of feed and pet food;
    disseminate an efficient and effective traceability system;
    ensure compliance with food safety requirements.


    Displaying newest 5 comments sent.


    Important to note; this is not a petition but is the first step in an essential Participative Democracy process protected under the SA Constitution. Your comment is immediately sent as a unique email to the designated government representative and must, by law, be acknowledged and considered. Had this been a petition, all comments would be seen as a single collective submission.

    By using this service you ensure an accurate record is held by civil society (on our encrypted database) so government cannot dispute facts or figures. This process forms a solid foundation for a legal case should the necessity arise.
