ECE Toolkit

Department of Basic Education’s gender ideology training programme
comments delivered to the government, so far

click the link for more info or scroll down to view FOR SA’s video summary and core concerns

The Department of Basic Education (DBE) has covertly introduced the “ECE Toolkit”, a gender ideology and gender identity training programme for primary and pre-primary teachers, and by extension, for primary and pre-primary school children.

The DBE has stated its view that public participation is not required and neither is it being considered. We disagree.

Public participation MUST take place and has to be considered, particularly as the ECE Toolkit trains pre-primary and primary school educators to promote transgender ideology to young children (ages 0 – 9 years).
— more information below

Have your say on the ECE Toolkit.

    Do you support the ECE Toolkit (training educators to promote transgender ideology to children ages 0 – 9 years)?

    What is your top concern? (scroll down to view full details)

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    Do you support (or oppose) the Department of Basic Education’s “ECE Toolkit” initiative to train teachers to introduce transgender ideology in pre-primary and primary schools?

    Concerns are growing that the Department of Basic Education (DBE) has been ideologically captured following the discovery that a “Social Cohesion and Equity in Education” unit has been created within the DBE.

    This unit has developed a Gender-Responsive Pedagogy for Early Childhood Education (GRP4ECE) – a.k.a the ECE Toolkit. It was financed by a R40 million grant from a Belgian-based organisation (VVOB). It trains pre-primary and primary school educators to promote transgender ideology to young children (ages 0 – 9 years). Its stated goal is to “help [young children] break free from harmful gender stereotypes that hold them back in life” (Page 9 – ECE Toolkit).

    The DBE confirmed that the ECE Toolkit was originally piloted in Kwa-Zulu Natal and has subsequently been rolled out in at least five provinces. It presents a single ideology and worldview that directly subverts the views and values traditionally held by many parents and communities.

    By way of example, the ECE Toolkit trains educators to:

      • “[Ask] learners from a young age for their preferred name and pronoun… [to] make room for children who may be exploring their gender identity and demonstrate that gender identity should not be assumed”. (Page 39 – ECE Toolkit).
      • “[Use] “they” and “them” to let children know that we cannot assume someone’s gender identity just by looking at them.” (Page 39 – ECE Toolkit).
      • Ensure that children have “access to toilet facilities that correspond with their gender identity… Teachers should work with children to address the discomfort and foster understanding of gender diversity.” (page 17).