Draft Banks Act Regulations

The National Treasury has published the proposed amendments to the Regulations relating to banks, and is asking you comment.

13 active citizens had a say

According to the notice, the draft amendments are designed to ensure that the “legal framework for the regulation and supervision of banks and banking groups in South Africa remains relevant and current…”.

Amendments are proposed, inter alia, to Regulation 23(15) to amend enabling provisions on the measurement of counterparty credit risk exposures and to insert Regulation 23(16) on banks’ exposures to central counterparties; Regulation 23(18) on exposure to central counterparties; Form BA 200 on banks’ exposures to counterparty credit risk and Regulations 31(6) and 31(7) on Basel Committee requirements in respect of banks’ equity investments in funds.

Comment is invited until 30 August 2019.

Important to note; This is a legally protected public policy-shaping process mandated in the SA Constitution. By using DearSA’s platform you ensure an accurate record is held by civil society (so government cannot dispute participation facts or figures) which forms a solid foundation for a legal case should the necessity arise. It is not a petition. Your input is immediately sent to government and must, by law, be individually acknowledged and considered. Had this been a petition, all input would be grouped as a single submission.

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