
The City of Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality hereby gives notice in terms of Section 8 read with Sections 25 and 16 (3) of the Ekurhuleni Spatial Planning and Land Use Management By-law, 2019, that a draft land use scheme to be known as the City of Ekurhuleni Land Use Scheme, 2019 has been prepared by it.

This scheme is an amendment scheme and contains the following proposals:

  1. The replacement of the following Town Planning Scheme in its entirety:
    • Ekurhuleni Town Planning Scheme, 2014

In terms of the Ekurhuleni Spatial Planning and Land Use Management By-law, 2019, the City of Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality hereby calls upon the members of the public, affected departments and organs of state in the three spheres of government and all other stakeholders to participate in the process of drafting the Land Use Scheme.

The Land Use Scheme will apply to the entire area within Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality, thus binding everyone residing, occupying land/ property, property/ business owners and any person responsible for any land use activity within Ekurhuleni including the state. The draft Land Use Scheme introduces several new and simplified procedures and processes that are intended to promote economic development, attract investment and represent a more inclusive and integrated approach towards the regulation and enforcement of land use and development rules in the City of Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality.”




The City of Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality hereby gives notice in terms of the Ekurhuleni Spatial Planning and Land Use Management By-law, 2019, that a draft policy to be known as the City of Ekurhuleni Development Incentive Policy, 2019 has been prepared by it.

In terms of the Ekurhuleni Spatial Planning and Land Use Management By-law, 2019, the City of Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality hereby calls upon the members of the public, affected departments and organs of state in the three spheres of government and all other stakeholders to participate in the process of drafting the Development Incentive Policy.

Municipalities across the country have a mandate to provide their respective communities with the best possible quality, affordable services and create suitable conditions for local business to thrive, create jobs and ensure that the municipality become financially sustainable. The City recognises the need to promote investment and boost its economy in order to provide tangible jobs and support small and emerging businesses. This means the municipality must be able to encourage and support development that demonstrate strategic intelligence to grow the economy, create jobs and balance various social needs to set itself as the first choice destination for investment.

The objective of the policy if to assist the City to set itself as the first choice destination for investment  through a combination of incentives which will promote investment inflows through measures that enhance the image of the municipality in the view of potential and committed investors, provide information on investment opportunities to potential investors, offer location incentives, facilitate investment through institutional and administrative improvements and render post-investment support services. The Development Incentive Policy will reduce obstacles to investment, foster an investor-friendly environment, reduce application processes and lower costs and risks for investors.