cannabis for private use

Dear South Africa

2,379 comments delivered to government (closed 13 May 2022)

The Portfolio Committee on Justice and Correctional Services considered amendments to the Cannabis for Private Purposes Bill [B19 – 2020].

The committee invited interested parties/stakeholders to make written submissions on proposals to extend the subject of the Bill to, in addition, provide for:

    • commercial activities in respect of recreational cannabis;
    • the cultivation, possession and supply cannabis plants and cannabis by cultural or religious communities or organisations for cultural or religious purposes; and
    • the use of cannabis for palliation or medication;

Scroll down to have your say. If you are not sure what to say, please click the green button below for a summary and additional info.

Have your say – shape the outcome.  [CLOSED]

    Do you support the Amendments to the Cannabis for Private Purposes Bill?

    What is your top concern? (view details at green link above)

    What is your status?


    Dear South Africa