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Robert Hutchinson, Founder, Dear South Africa (est. January 2018)

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Had a say on these?

The One-Stop Border Post Bill has been drawn up for several months and was recently put before the National Assembly for consideration.

The Bill will put an end to checks by both the departing and arrival country at most borders, allowing those passing to only be processed once in a “common control zone”.

With the introduction of ‘low-alcohol’ wine (0.5% to 4.5% alcohol content), this new segment poses equity concerns in the context of harm reduction through the tax system.
One of the proposed solutions to this is to separate wines into different bands, where the low-alcohol content wines stay at the current tax rate, and higher alcohol-content wines are taxed higher (thus carrying higher pricing) up to 1.8 times the current rate.

In a pivotal move for South Africa’s labour market, the National Minimum Wage Commission (NMWC) has opened the floor for public commentary concerning the potential adjustments to the national minimum wage for the year 2025.

Set against the backdrop of economic fluctuations and the need to ensure fair labour practices, the proposal highlights an increase based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI) plus an additional 1.5%.

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