The 2019 Draft TLAB gives effect to the following key tax proposals announced in the 2019 Budget Review:
Aligning the effective date of tax neutral transfers between retirement funds with the effective date of annuitisation for provident funds
Adjusting the withholding tax treatment of surviving spouses’ pensions to limit tax debts on assessment
Addressing abusive arrangements aimed at avoiding the anti-dividend stripping provisions
Clarifying the interaction between corporate reorganisation rules and other provisions of the Income Tax Act
Refining the tax treatment of long-term insurers
Refining investment criteria and anti-avoidance measures for the Special Economic Zone regime
Limiting the allowable deduction for investors investing in a venture capital company
Reviewing the controlled foreign company comparable tax exemption and addressing the circumvention of the anti-diversionary rules 3
Reviewing section 72 of the VAT Act
The 2019 Draft TALAB gives effect to the following key tax proposals:
Removal of requirement to submit a declaration to a regulated intermediary in respect of tax free investments
Authorisation for the Commissioner to prescribe rules relating to the making of advance foreign currency payments
Alignment of time limitations on requesting refunds Model mandatory disclosure rules and non-compliance penalties
Tax compliance certificates