
Parliament invites you to comment on amendments proposed to the Sectional Titles Act (summary below).

0 participants, so far (closes 9 April 2021)

Dear South Africa

Have your say – shape the outcome.

    Do you support the Sectional Titles Amendment Bill?

    What is your status?

    What is your top concern? (view details at link above)

    Dear South Africa


    The Sectional Titles Amendment Bill seeks to;

    • provide for the developer to answer questions by the agents of the lessees;
    • provide that a certificate issued by an architect or a land surveyor must also comply with section 26(2) of the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act, 2013;
    • further provide for the amendment of sectional plans in respect of exclusive use areas;
    • further provide for the amendment and cancellation of a sectional plan upon an order of the court;
    • provide for the noting of a title deed in respect of the lapsing of a reservation in terms of section 25;
    • provide for a lease of part of the common property with the consent of the holders of registered real rights;
    • amend the provisions relating to the alienation of common property;
    • further provide for the cancellation of a mortgaged section and mortgaged exclusive use area;
    • also provide for a developer to submit a plan for subdivision or consolidation to the Surveyor-General for approval to subdivide, consolidate and to extend a section;
    • extend the registration of subdivision of a section, the consolidation of sections, and the extension of sections to a developer;
    • provide for the filing of replacement documentation in respect of lost or destroyed documentation;
    • amend the provisions relating to the extension of a scheme;
    • amend the provisions relating to participation quotas of sections;
    •  regulate the membership of the sectional titles regulations board;
    • amend the transitional provisions.