

Participation report

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Public comments as delivered

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President Ramaphosa in his State of the Nation Address 2022 stated that the damage caused by the theft of scrap metal and cable on our infrastructure like electricity, trains and other vital services is enormous. We will take decisive steps this year both through improved law enforcement and by considering further measures to address the sale or export of such scrap metal”.

On 08 June 2022 Cabinet approved “[t]hat public consultations be undertaken on proposals to restrict the trade of illegally obtained scrap and processed metals. The theft of scrap metal and copper cable from public infrastructure hinders the performance of the economy by imposing enormous costs. Some of the disruptions include the supply of energy and rail services due to vandalised rail tracks. They impose additional transport costs on commuters due to disrupted commuter transport. Vandalised and unsecured electricity cables pose safety risks to communities, especially children. Cabinet directed that the dtic should lead the consultations within a limited period, and solicit inputs from the public and relevant sectors on effective measures that government can implement to stop the vandalising of critical economic infrastructure. Thereafter, Cabinet will pronounce on the approved measures.”

Having regard to the above, the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (“dtic”), following consultations with the Department of Police, National Treasury, the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy, the Department of Public Enterprises, and the Department of Transport, requests public comment on the policy proposals (“the Draft Policy”) including the various options identified in the document.



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