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Displaying the 20 latest comments.
Submitted | first-name | support | top-concern | message |
2025-02-16 09:32:38 +02:00 | Almarie | Yes I do | No concern | |
2025-02-16 09:32:35 +02:00 | Almarie | Yes I do | No concern | |
2025-01-27 19:36:40 +02:00 | Marion | Yes I do | Unfair discrimination | No-one should be judged on the basis of the amount of melanin in their skin (ie: how dark or light skinned they are. Especially when it comes to getting people into jobs where a certain skill or experience is needed. The person most qualified that most adequately fits the requirements should get the job. Track record and past job experience should also be criteria. Not race. |
2025-01-26 00:53:26 +02:00 | Margaret | Yes I do | Other | I support the proposed bill for non-racialism |
2025-01-23 21:46:52 +02:00 | Karin | Yes I do | Unfair discrimination | Constitutional amendments |
2025-01-23 21:34:55 +02:00 | Karin | Yes I do | Other | Constitution Ammendmnrs |
2025-01-23 06:48:27 +02:00 | Liesl B | Yes I do | Unfair discrimination | Please just get it RIGHT this time! No more lotsa talking, more ACTION please!! We want to see CHANGE!! |
2025-01-22 10:21:17 +02:00 | Josias De Kock | No I do not | Unfair discrimination | This will insure that white people in particular will be discriminated over and above the far reaching discrimination that has been introduced already, causing a national disaster of national proportion. A People that could be inclusive and that could be utilised to assist and recover a broken Country. There is no other solution. The current Govt and in particularly, the black people of South Africa has been lied to. The white people of South Africa has been discriminated against in a majot way. The main reason being, that for them, its payback time. They cannot get it into their hearts to forgive todays white people, the children of those whom according to them, were guilty of the offences their grandfathers and fathers were guilty of. Now the children and the farmrrs of todat, are being vilified and hurt and killed, to exact their vengeange on the children of the guilty. This is the truth. There are so many new laws written and enacted to exact this vengeange explained. This explanation might be seen as not politically correct, but its the truth. All the skills and a rich strength of skills are being lost, because of the unforgiveness of the black people of SA. |
2025-01-21 17:48:34 +02:00 | Piya | Yes I do | No concern | If we want South Africa to be truly non-racial, then we must all stand up and say so. End Race-based Policy! In a democratic order ostensibly founded on the principle of non-racialism, race-based policy is an absurd and shameful contradiction. The moral concerns are obvious, but even were we to set those aside, objectively, race-based policy has been an absolute disaster. South Africa is failing because we have allowed it to fail. How we are governed is our own choice. All people have a right to self-determination. It's time to claim it. Non-racialism must be something more than hollow words in our Constitution. It is time for those who agree with this sentiment to stand up and be counted. The proposed Bill will still allow the state to take action to remedy the effects of unfair discrimination in the past, but it will now require that the state must take into account the specific circumstances of each individual impacted by its actions. The state will be prohibited from taking blanket actions against groups of people (e.g. by race) and it will no longer be allowed to remedy the effects of unfair discrimination against one person, by unfairly discriminating against another. Once the Constitution has been amended, the courts will be forced to declare racial discrimination unlawful, and all the existing race-based laws will need to be amended to be brought in line with the amended Constitution. |
2025-01-19 17:04:12 +02:00 | Michelle | Yes I do | No concern | I think many people are misunderstanding this proposal it is all about ensuring equal opportunities and treatment of all South Africans. I am very disappointed that after 30 years of the ANC being in government that we are still not using a fair assessment of people for job opportunities and creating opportunities for people of ALL races to run businesses. The current system is limiting South Africans and it needs to be readdressed. This is where we start bu relooking at our policies as the Referenum Party is doing. |
2025-01-18 12:43:22 +02:00 | Marie Antoinette | No I do not | Unfair discrimination | Politicians should stop using the race card. Citizenry happy with whoever in charge as long no corruption, politicians stop using apartheid, race card to gain votes. 30 years on and citizenry wants proper education built enough schools for mother tongue! Don't use race to accommodate scholars. Racism law must apply to all. No one exempted! Sick and tired of the hypocrisy in this country, especially politicians! Citizenry not fools anymore and that is why ANC got 40% and EFF 9%! Biggest race card parties! ActionSA also falling in the trap now! Days of "pay back" for certain politicians etc are over!!! Factions in parties also problematic and some using race card to gain voters! Disgusting! |
2025-01-18 11:37:12 +02:00 | Simon | No I do not | Unfair discrimination | The AnC govt have introduced laws which are anti - white for many years. Its time the constitution which calls for non discriminatory practices is upheld abd the AnC tactics to inhibitvwhites is throttled. |
2025-01-15 18:30:41 +02:00 | Simon | Yes I do | Unfair discrimination | Constitution supposedly safeguards a South African against discrimination. The govt applies job reservation through its AA & BBEEE practises. |
2025-01-15 16:30:25 +02:00 | Joey | No I do not | Unfair discrimination | Kindly contact Hon Judge Fondse before you amend any clauses. |
2025-01-15 13:32:55 +02:00 | Eugene | No I do not | Unfair discrimination | When it comes to jobs in South Africa, people should be employed based on their experience/merit, not race. BEE, BBBEE and race should be removed as a whole as this has a ripple effect in so many areas of our economy & other factors. This will turn our country around and we will prosper as a nation. |
2025-01-13 16:06:12 +02:00 | Ray | No I do not | Unfair discrimination | I am sick and tired of anything and everything to do with racial segregation. The Constitution is clear and the ANC has a checkered history of acting unconstitutionally! The result is that in 30 years we have racked up 29 million unemployed South Africans who are on handouts and starving! It is time to stop manipulating colour to justify redistributing wealth. If the useless ANC had spent the last 30 years building the economy, instead of destroying it, we would be looking like Malaysia with 3,3% unemployment! |
2025-01-13 15:41:16 +02:00 | Gareth | Yes I do | Unfair discrimination | |
2025-01-13 07:38:44 +02:00 | Wesley | Not fully | Other | When it comes to job advertisements and selection in all sports in South Africa, people should be employed based on their experience/merit, not race. BEE, BBBEE and race should be removed as a whole. This will turn our country around and we will prosper and be united as one and not separated. |
2025-01-12 22:29:34 +02:00 | Johan | Yes I do | No concern | Enige rassigheid vanaf regeringskant is slegs 'n voortsetting van Apartheid - net ander wenners en verloorders. In 1994 het die mense van die land besluit om weg te stap van Apartheid. Nou wag ons kiesers steeds dat die landsregering hierdie wens (en opdrag) ten uitvoer bring. |
2025-01-12 18:08:35 +02:00 | Tyler | Yes I do | Unfair discrimination |