NCPL – National Veld and Forest Fire Amendment Bill


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Have a say on the National Veld And Forest Fire Amendment Bill [B24–2021]

20 comments delivered to parliament so far (closes 13 October 2023)

Click the link for more info, or scroll down to have your say

The Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development invites members of the public and interested stakeholders to comment on the National Veld And Forest Fire Amendment Bill

Have your say – shape the Bill.

    Do you support the National Veld and Forest Fire Amendment Bill as proposed?

    What is your top concern? (scroll down to view details)

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    Object of the Bill

    The National Veld and Forest Fire Amendment Bill seeks to amend the National Veld and Forest Fire Act, 1998, so as to;

      • amend and insert certain definitions;
      • to provide for the facilitation of the formation of fire protection associations by a municipality or a traditional council;
      • to compel a municipality, state-owned enterprise, public entity or other organ of state which owns land to join the fire protection associations;
      • to extend the powers of entry, search, seizure and arrest to peace officers and traditional leaders;
      • to amend the title of the Act to the National Veldfire Act;
      • and to provide for matter connected therewith.

    Memorandum of Objects

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