National State Enterprises


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Have a say on the National State Enterprises Draft Bill

3613 comments delivered to parliament (closed 15 October 2023)

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The Department of Public Enterprises published the draft National State Enterprises Bill 2023 for public comment.

Have your say – shape the draft Bill. [CLOSED]

    Do you support the Draft National State Enterprises Bill as proposed?

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    Dear South Africa founder, Rob Hutchinson joins The Burning Platform team on Cliff Central to discuss Pravin Gordhan’s new state-owned company … and others.

    The Bill seeks to:

      • establish the State Asset Management SOC Ltd;
      • provide for the State as the sole shareholder of a holding company;
      • consolidate the State’s shareholdings in state enterprises;
      • provide for the powers of the shareholder on behalf of the State;
      • provide for the phased succession of state enterprises to the holding company;
      • provide for the holding company’s powers as shareholder of subsidiaries;
      • provide for the restructuring and management of subsidiaries for developmental purposes;
      • provide for appropriate and effective performance monitoring mechanisms over subsidiaries;
      • provide for the corporatisation of those state enterprises that are not registered as companies; and to provide for matters connected therewith