National Policing Policy


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Have a say on the Draft National Policing Policy

3226 comments delivered to parliament (closed 30 November 2023)

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The Civilian Secretariat for Police Service called for comment on the Draft National Policing Policy (NPP).

Have your say – shape the policy. [CLOSED]

    Do you believe the draft National Policing Policy will be effective as proposed?

    What is your top concern? (scroll down to view details)

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    In order to determine the policing philosophy, posture and approach, the NPP also seeks to enunciate the following key policy proposals for effective policing service delivery. The following four (4) pillars underpin the key policy proposals:

    1. The creation of a professional and quality policing:
      1. SAPS officers that are professional, knowledgeable, responsive, objective and empathetic, ethical and accountable, uphold and enforce the law, adhere to human rights, and are also at the same time themselves protected and treated fairly as citizens;
      2. Recruiting and selecting candidates must therefore be free from biasness and corruption to promote the legitimacy of the SAPS and promote trust;
      3. Strengthening police culture to instill the best possible discipline and ethos associated with a professional police service aligned to the fundamentals of a democratic police service. This includes implementing and/or enforcing the SAPS Professional Code of Conduct and Practice; and
      4. Implementing strict integrity management in support of building a professional police service.
    2. The provision of efficient and effective policing service delivery:
      1. Adopting and promote community-centred and integrated policing approach;
      2. Effective crime prevention, combatting and investigation to reduce the high level of crime and create safer environment for development;
      3. Fast tracking the use of advanced technology in fighting crime and criminality. This includes a coordinated implementation of the Integrated Justice System.
      4. Strengthening specialised policing units to manage public disorder, organised violent crimes, commercial crimes, gender-based violence and high risk incidences;
      5. Addressing barriers to the reporting of crimes (especially sexual offences and gender-based violence);
      6. Developing criteria (norms and standards) for recruitment, selection and appointment including the development of a two-stream system of recruitment (i.e. basic and officer streams) in order to attract competent, skilled professionals to contribute to effective policing;
      7. Making effective and efficient use of resources to address criminality; and
      8. Provision of effective victim support services in in line with the Victims Charter.
    3. Improving the legitimacy and community-police trust relations:
      1. Building sustainable community-police relations and partnerships towards fighting crime and violence;
      2. Full implementation of the Community Policing Policy (CPP) especially on the establishment of functional Community Police Forum (CPF); and
      3. Strengthening of the oversight functions of CPF to improve policing service delivery and accountability.
    4. Building a strong and ethical leadership, management and governance architecture:
      1. A diverse SAPS led by competent leadership and management at all levels of the organisation with the required skill set, knowledge and appreciation to police different communities each with its unique safety challenges; and
      2. Adjusting and updating legislations to ensure alignment between the NPP and other legislations.