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Displaying the 30 latest comments.
Submitted | first-name | support | top-concern | message |
2025-03-19 16:46:08 +02:00 | David | No I do not | Name changes in general | |
2025-03-19 10:44:28 +02:00 | Karen | No I do not | Name changes in general | I've grown up with the present names. It's recognizable . I'd get lost with name changes. I don't recognize some places with changed names. Also sentimental. |
2025-03-19 09:12:54 +02:00 | Bruce | No I do not | Name changes in general | waste of money and resources, these are being rolled out for neutral names too. |
2025-03-18 20:08:19 +02:00 | Walt | Not fully | Name changes in general | What are the end results of changing a name of a place? A better economy? Better service deliver? An improvement of the area that it affects? I can say for sure, none of the above. Instead of sitting in traffic and weaving through potholes in street "A", now we're sitting in traffic and weaving through potholes in street "B, formerly known as A". The townships nearby get no more attention given to their needs, nothing is done except line some tenderpreneurs' pockets. What does this seek to improve upon? What are the actual reasons why the name needs to be changed, and not a new structure/city/road be built with that new name? Letting go and breaking free from the past and building from the ground up a legacy that will stand. Why not that? Which will create tons of jobs, especially if given to new, up-and-coming businesses, and not well established ones. |
2025-03-18 20:02:31 +02:00 | George | No I do not | Name changes in general | |
2025-03-18 17:29:21 +02:00 | Ferdinand Nieuwoudt | No I do not | Public consultation process | |
2025-03-18 14:06:16 +02:00 | Elma | No I do not | Name changes in general | Names depict history, and history tells a story, good or bad. You can't change it. Don't use our tax money for this unnecessary business! We are not interested in seeing new names, but in seeing less corruption, fewer politicians, and a safer country. |
2025-03-18 07:24:36 +02:00 | Anke | No I do not | Name changes in general | |
2025-03-17 16:29:19 +02:00 | Annie | No I do not | Name changes in general | South Africa definitely have much larger issues to sort out than unnecessary name changes. Apart from the huge cost, it creates confusion. Money can go to many more worthwhile causes. |
2025-03-17 11:30:39 +02:00 | David | No I do not | Name changes in general | Changing names of streets etc is a GIANT wasteful expenditure. What is the purpose and the benefit to the citizen? Rather repurpose the funds to alleviate the plight of the poor, improve infrastructure, rural school conditions, essential medical services, improve water management etc. Or just fill the damned potholes.! WHAT HAPPENED TO COMMON SENSE? Does the Government think the SASSA and other social grant pensioners care a hoot about the names of the airports or street names? They would prefer an increase in grant moneys. Is the Government not here to serve the people’s needs? How many Grant recipients have petitioned for street name changes? |
2025-03-16 17:13:08 +02:00 | Mark | No I do not | Name changes in general | Elections revealed that SA citizens are tired of these money wasting ideological events costing millions of rands for nothing more than feeding money hungry useless committee people who add no value to the economy or South Africa. Just keeping on with expanding the public service that serves only to pay unemployable people with no meaningful outputs. |
2025-03-16 13:28:43 +02:00 | Ada | No I do not | Other | Changing names of streets etc is a GIANT wasteful expenditure. What is the purpose and the benefit to the citizen? Rather repurpose the funds to alleviate the plight of the poor, improve infrastructure, rural school conditions, essential medical services, improve water management etc. Or just fill the damned potholes.! WHAT HAPPENED TO COMMON SENSE? Does the Government think the Sassa and other social grant pensioners care a hoot about the names of the airports or street names? They would prefer an increase in grant moneys. Is the Government not here to serve the people’s needs? How many Grant recipients have petitioned for street name changes? Please give us the stats. |
2025-03-15 12:40:28 +02:00 | Joan | No I do not | Other | COST Until such time as SA has the luxury of engaging with new nice to have items such as this, there must be a moratorium on new name changes. |
2025-03-15 06:31:00 +02:00 | Brenda | No I do not | Other | In a country that is teetering on bankrupt, name changes should be the last thing we waste money on |
2025-03-15 04:16:02 +02:00 | Abdul Wasieh | No I do not | Other | How can the government change history. And they are wasting a lot of money. What they can change is the BEE to EMPLOYMENT EQUITY FOR ALL RACES. |
2025-03-14 21:54:04 +02:00 | Hester | No I do not | Other | |
2025-03-14 21:04:47 +02:00 | Pieter | No I do not | Other | The names are heritage. There was nothing, empty spaces, and the europeans built city's there. Now the ANC wants to change city's names into whatever. PE? Into geberba quegeberba or whatever. Why? Dit some ancesters of the ANC claim to have had a pandokkie there? |
2025-03-14 21:04:46 +02:00 | Pieter | No I do not | Other | The names are heritage. There was nothing, empty spaces, and the europeans built city's there. Now the ANC wants to change city's names into whatever. PE? Into geberba quegeberba or whatever. Why? Dit some ancesters of the ANC claim to have had a pandokkie there? |
2025-03-14 20:58:38 +02:00 | Lizette | No I do not | Name changes in general | The making of new signage, reprinting of maps , ….. etc are some of the results and COST MONEY! 1. It is better to relieve poverty or play with names ? 2. GOOGLE AND INTERNATIONAL GPS Do not care!!!! So the names are only changed by some with EGOS in little SA! 3. Annoying to try and get from A to B with poor public transport (all money STOLEN) to rent a car and navigation and GPS did not follow the UTTERLY USELESS NAME CHANGES 4. The name changes are for a very very very very very small % of the population (largely politicians as PLEASE REMEMBER THE ILLITERACY ID VERY VERY VERY VERY HIGH ????? 5. So only the politician suggesting the name change benefits (maybe?) and ABSOLUTELY NOBODY ELSE!!!! 6. We do not need more committees being made more money for more USELESS WORK - apply the funds budgeted to a BETTER USE ! I.E. relieving POVERTY AND HUNGER!!!! |
2025-03-14 17:10:19 +02:00 | Marcelle | No I do not | Name changes in general | Enough is enough. Who benefits.....only the government. How has it help SA.? If the past is left in the past then SA might have a brighter future |
2025-03-14 17:10:17 +02:00 | Marcelle | No I do not | Name changes in general | Enough is enough. Who benefits.....only the government. How has it help SA.? If the past is left in the past then SA might have a brighter future |
2025-03-13 22:17:34 +02:00 | Carl | No I do not | Name changes in general | |
2025-03-13 18:28:54 +02:00 | Gabi | No I do not | Name changes in general | South Africa has MUCH bigger issues to sort out than unnecessary name changes. |
2025-03-13 16:37:08 +02:00 | jeff | No I do not | Name changes in general | |
2025-03-13 10:46:27 +02:00 | Ninke | Not fully | Establishment of Provincial Committees | I support the need for more public involvement, and an appeals process. Name changes have been a frustration for many. We cannot erase the past by changing names of roads and places. Instead I encourage the government to stop wasting money and resources on renaming and committees, and start building new infrastructure to give new names to. We need to stop looking back, and start building forward. |
2025-03-12 15:38:32 +02:00 | Jannie | No I do not | Name changes in general | Costly, discriminatory and unnecessary |
2025-03-12 14:53:36 +02:00 | Cora | No I do not | Name changes in general | Ek voel dis n vermorsing van geld wat beter aangewend kon word. Die geld kan eder aangewend word om paaie, skole en hospitale te herstel. Produksie in die staatsdiens te verbeter. Die nuwe name is moeilik om uit te spreek en as n nuwe naam genoem word bv op Tv het inwoners van ander provinsies nie n idee waar die dorp of stad is waarvan gepraat word nie. |
2025-03-11 22:33:32 +02:00 | Thinus | No I do not | Other | Name changes is the genocide of the cultural heritage of the Afrikaner and is an International Crime and is Ultra Vires to Chapter 2 of the South African Constitution and would be repealed, Restitutio In Integro before 1994 as this Constitution 1. Is it not an indisputable, irrefutable, and unalterable fact that the following banks, together with their respective governments, serve as corporate veils for an organized crime conspiracy engaged in the trafficking of human souls and slaves, thereby posing a threat to humanity: - South African Reserve Bank – South Africa - Federal Reserve – United States - Bank of England – United Kingdom - Swiss National Bank – Switzerland - Deutsche Bundesbank – Germany - Bank of Japan – Japan - European Central Bank – Eurozone - Bank of Canada – Canada - Reserve Bank of Australia – Australia - The nine petals on the national emblem of South Africa, with the topmost red petal representing the Institute for the Works of Religion (Rothschild Bank)? 2. Is it not an undeniable, irrefutable, and unalterable reality that the bankers, industrialists, and political leaders of these countries, including trade union leaders and their ministers (rulers and prophets), were charged with high treason, self-inflicted genocide (democide), genocide, and slavery by the *International Cultural Tribunal for World Plebeians (“ICTfWP”)* on 1 January 2014? |
2025-03-11 17:59:33 +02:00 | Majedie | No I do not | Name changes in general | I don't agree with unpronounceable names. Don't give me names of some dead person who I didn't know or support. Give me neutral names that is easy to pronounce |
2025-03-11 11:24:12 +02:00 | Carol | No I do not | Name changes in general |