Municipal Rates Increases 2021/2022

Dear South Africa

Select your municipality below

Despite unsettling economic times, several municipalities have proposed significant rates and tariff increases across the board in their budget. Luckily, they have invited you to comment on the increases before implementation.

Most increases are above CPI and applied to water and sanitation, electricity, refuse removal, property rates and an increase in salaries across the board.

We urge you to comment through DearSA’s platform by selecting your municipality below for several important reasons:

  1. Doing so enables us to record indisputable evidence of the public participation, independent of government,
  2. Your comment is immediately delivered to the official government channel in the legally accepted format, and
  3. DearSA’s system is able track if government reads your submission.

Our records form a solid foundation of evidence for a legal challenge, should it be necessary.


Other Metros and districts will be available soon. Please return soon if yours in not currently showing.


Other Metros and districts will be available soon. Please return soon if yours in not currently showing.


Other Metros and districts will be available soon. Please return soon if yours in not currently showing.