
In the Media


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Rob Hutchinson in the media


101.9 ChaiFM

Radio Islam


SABC News ‘Dear South Africa’s’ application to declare extension of lockdown illegal: Rob Hutchinson

SABC News Plans to replace state of disaster with COVID-19 health regulations: Rob Hutchinson

SABC News Extension to public submissions on the Land Expropriation Bill: Rob Hutchinson

SABC News COVID-19 Pandemic | Health Department reportedly plans to scrap some regulations: Rob Hutchinson

Newzroom Afrika Dear South Africa suspicious of Phaahla’s assurances over amended health regulations

eNCA Dear SA raises concern over state of disaster extension

eNCA Discussion | Cyber Attack | Dear SA campaign targeted by robots

eNCA DISCUSSION | Films and Publications Amendment act

eNCA DearSA campaign raises concerns about the proposed budget

eNCA SA’s Electricity Crisis | 20% tariff hike looms

YouTube Podcasts

Renaldo Gouws The Live Show with Rob Hutchinson

Renaldo Gouws Sunday Service | Rob Hutchinson

Renaldo Gouws Sunday Service | Rob Hutchinson | 26 June 2022

Renaldo Gouws (Belated) Sunday Service | Rob Hutchinson

Centre for Risk Analysis DearSA CHALLENGES NDZ in court | Rob Hutchinson

Centre for Risk Analysis Why DearSA is taking the Health Minister to COURT | Rob Hutchinson

Rob Hutchinson on active citizenship | Solutions With David Ansara Podcast #56

FOR SA – Interview with Rob Hutchinson on the Terrorist Activities Amendment Bill – 10 October 2022

Conscious Caracal Terrorising a tyrannical government | Rob Hutchinson

Jason Batt dear South Africa | Rob Hutchinson | Podcast #48 – Mashup Vix

cliffcentral.com The Burning Platform: The White Elephant in the Room

Dear South Africa founder, Rob Hutchinson joins The Burning Platform team on Cliff Central to discuss the latest coming out of the Road Accident Fund … and more.

Hügo Krüger Public Participation (Rob Hutchinson)

Joe Emilio Dear South Africa on the Expropriation Bill passed by the National Assembly | Rob Hutchinson

Presentations to Parliament

Ad Hoc Committee on the General Intelligence Laws Amendment Bill, 21 February 2024

Select Committee on Appropriations, 24 May 2023

Portfolio Committee on Forestry, Fisheries, and Environment, 9 May 2023

Portfolio Committee on Police, 26 October 2022

Portfolio Committee on Communication, 26 July 2021