Thank you

DearSA is a non-profit which holds government accountable by recording fair and accurate Participative Democracy Processes for the benefit of all South Africans. Please consider a small donation by using the form below. If you can’t donate, thats ok, as you can still help by sharing the project you just participated in with all your social contacts.

For your record, a copy of your comment and a proof of delivery has been sent to you.

SHARE the project on Whatsapp, Twitter or Facebook [click below]

[whatsapp url=”” title=”By law, public comment is required in response to GlaxoSmithKline Biological’s application for the intended use of a GMO vaccine in South Africa. *PLEASE CLICK THE LINK TO HAVE YOUR SAY AND THEN SHARE WITH ALL YOUR CONTACTS*”]

Did you know every government decision must, by law, be opened for public comment and each comment must be considered in the decision-making process?


You can donate by credit card, a safe recurring debit or a once-off via the form.  Should you prefer to do an EFT, our bank details are at the end of this page.

This site is verified and secure – some older browsers might give an error or not load the form. If so, click here.

*Campaign reference; DSA (please enter this in the first block)

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Well done Active Citizen!

  • You are free to amend or cancel at any time by contacting us directly here.
  • Securely managed by transactional partners Linkserv.

Should you wish to do an EFT, our bank details are;

Account Name; DearSA NPC
Account Number; 62791143284
FNB Branch Code; 250 655
REFERENCE; DSA [your name]

Important; if using EFT please send a POP to so we may link the contribution to you.

Participative Democracy is encouraged through the PAJA – the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act, and enshrined in our Constitution.

Every decision the government make must be published in a Government Gazette and must include evidence of public participation. If the public do not participate by objecting or agreeing, their non-participation is deemed as a non-objection, a tacit agreement.

What we do here on DEAR is not a petition but rather a PDP – a Participative Democracy Project as laid out in the PAJA act.

Whereas a petition, even it has millions of signatures, is considered as a single comment, a PDP enables each comment to be considered individually.

This forms the basis of an essential and legal framework enshrined in our Constitution.

Each comment from any of our web sites is immediately sent as a separate email to the relevant government representative designated to each project.

We then keep an accurate record of submissions sent so government cannot fudge facts and figures. In certain instances we will also provide government with printed evidence of each comment made as well as a collated summary.

We do not sell your info on to anyone and we do not charge for what we do.