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Report on the participation
Public comments as delivered to Parliament
PRESENTATION Ad Hoc Committee on the General Intelligence Laws Amendment Bill, 21 February 2024
(National Assembly), [Oral Submissions on the General Intelligence Laws Amendment Bill (GILAB) [B40-2023]], (Hybrid Meeting) Committee Room S12A, Ground Floor, NCOP Building, Parliament
PRESENTATION Ad Hoc Committee on the General Intelligence Laws Amendment Bill, 20 February 2024
(National Assembly), [Oral Submissions on the General Intelligence Laws Amendment Bill (GILAB) [B40-2023]], (Hybrid Meeting) Committee Room S12A, Ground Floor, NCOP Building, Parliament
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In the Media
- IOL — ‘Spy bill’ may lay the ground ‘for a return to state capture’
- IOL — Calls to overhaul intelligence agencies
- News24 — AfriForum, DA says ANC could abuse spy bill to stay in power
- News24 — Spy Bill: Al Jamah-ah asks for greater oversight powers for IGI
- DefenceWeb — SA’s new ‘spy bill’ lacks sufficient checks and balances, civilian oversight – ISS
- BizNews — South Africa’s ‘Spy Bill’ threatens religious freedom and civil liberties – Daniela Ellerbeck
- The Conversation — South Africa’s surveillance law is changing but citizens’ privacy is still at risk
- Daily Maverick — surveillance bills before Parliament that should give every freedom-loving South African pause for thought
- Daily Maverick — South African ‘Spy Bill’ fails the democratic test on bulk surveillance
- News24 — Spy Bill: Vetting of NGOs, churches removed, but spooks still have room to manoeuvre
- Daily Maverick — Wavering hostile interests definition, security threats signal possible overreach in state intelligence legislation
- News24 — Spy bill: Inspector-General of Intelligence concerned about bill weakening its independence
- News24 — Cosatu says ministers must halt ‘shocking attempt to undermine the Constitution’ with intelligence bill
- BusinessTech — Government wants to regulate all private investigation agencies: report
- IntelWatch — Op-ed | New ‘spy bill’: Will businesses be next to face state security vetting?
amaBhungane Gilab is a threat to our democracy. It expands the definition of ‘national security’ to such an extent that almost anything could fall under it and allows for almost anyone to be subject to intrusive security vetting.
Spy bill: Will big brother be watching you with Philip Rosenthal on Salaam Media (14 Feb 24)
The General Intelligence Laws Amendment Bill is out for public comment. The bill will see the surveillance of electronic signals, communication signals, and internet traffic, on a very large scale. It has drawn a lot of criticism. One is that normal people who are neither suspected of crime nor a threat to national security will be under surveillance. Another fear is that the Bill could establish a surveillance state operating out of the Office of the Presidency. Liesl Pretorius, from Freedom of Religion South Africa discussed this with eNCA.
Host: Research and journalism co-ordinator at Intelwatch, Heidi Swart
Panellist 1: Executive Director: Campaign for Free Expression, Anton Harber
Panellist 2: Daily Maverick Associate editor, Marianne Merten
About the discussion:
Securocrats are pushing for the ‘Spy Bill’ to become law at break-neck speed before parliament dissolves in May 2024. The new bill, once law, will affect us all. It will effectively allow for:
— Sate security vetting of any private individual, non-profit organisation, religious organisation, or even businesses (at the behest of the intelligence forces);
— Mass surveillance of all South Africans’ communications, with little meaningful oversight;
— The continued abuse of secret service account funds; and
— A toothless Inspector-General of Intelligence (the public watchdog of in the intelligence agencies)
All of these aspects played a key role in the State Security Agency’s capture during the tenure of former president Jacob Zuma. The new bill ignores the findings of the Zondo Commission, and thus could clear the way for another episode of State Capture.
In this episode, Bronwyn speaks to investigative journalist Heidi Swart. They discuss the work the organisation Intelwatch is doing to expose and fight back against increasing state surveillance in South Africa — and Africa at large. The conversation covers emerging legislation that should be of concern for all South African citizens and the challenge of convincing citizens that their rights to privacy are important and worth protecting.
In this video, FOR SA’s Executive Director, Michael Swain, and Legal Advisor, Daniela Ellerbeck, discuss the General Intelligence Laws Amendment Bill, 2023, or “Spy Bill”.
In this video, FOR SA’s Legal Advisors, Liesl Pretorius and Daniela Ellerbeck, discuss the Spy Bill. The Bill, officially known as the General Intelligence Laws Amendment Bill of 2023, has implications for religious freedom and civil liberties. It proposes allowing intelligence agencies (i.e. spies) to conduct security competence tests for those operating religious organisations or NGOs, potentially leading to Government control and silencing of critical voices.
In this video, FOR SA’s Executive Director, Michael Swain, and Legal Advisor, Daniela Ellerbeck, discuss the General Intelligence Laws Amendment Bill, 2023, or “Spy Bill”.
The proposed General Intelligence Laws Amendment Bill signals reforms are underway for SA’s intelligence sector. What have been the major issues within the sector since its transition away from the Apartheid-era intelligence apparatus in 1994 – and what are the upsides and the downsides of these amendments? Prof of Digital Society Jane Duncan is with the University of Glasgow and joins us now.
Memorandum of Objects (summary)
The General Intelligence Laws Amendment Bill (GILAB)
High level Review Panel on State Security Agency
Encourage Participation – distribute this notice
Schedule of public hearings
PUBLIC HEARING Ad Hoc Committee on the General Intelligence Laws Amendment Bill holds public hearings in KZN – Streamed live Feb 13, 2024
PUBLIC HEARING Ad Hoc Committee on the General Intelligence Laws Amendment Bill holds public hearings in KZN – Streamed live Feb 12, 2024
PUBLIC HEARING Ad Hoc Committee on the General Intelligence Laws Amendment Bill holds public hearings in KZN – Streamed live Feb 11, 2024
PUBLIC HEARING Ad Hoc Committee on the General Intelligence Laws Amendment Bill holds public hearings in KZN – Streamed live Feb 10, 2024
PUBLIC HEARING Ad Hoc Committee on the General Intelligence Laws Amendment Bill holds public hearings in Western Cape – Streamed live Feb 6, 2024
PUBLIC HEARING Ad Hoc Committee on the General Intelligence Laws Amendment Bill holds public hearings in Western Cape – Streamed live Feb 6, 2024
PUBLIC HEARING Ad Hoc Committee on the General Intelligence Laws Amendment Bill holds public hearings in Gauteng – Streamed live on Jan 27, 2024
PUBLIC HEARING Ad Hoc Committee on the General Intelligence Laws Amendment Bill, Ga-Seleka Community – streamed live 24 January 2024
PUBLIC HEARING Ad Hoc Committee on the General Intelligence Laws Amendment Bill, Nkowankowa Community – Streamed live on Jan 23, 2024
PUBLIC HEARING Ad Hoc Committee on the General Intelligence Laws Amendment Bill Limpopo, Vhembe District – streamed live 22 January 2024
COMMITTEE MEETING (National Assembly), [Briefing by the South African Police Service – Crime Intelligence (SAPS-CI) on its input into the General Intelligence Laws Amendment Bill (GILAB); Briefing by Defence Intelligence (DI) on its input into GILAB; Briefing by the Office of the Inspector – General of Intelligence (OIGI) on its input into GILAB [B40 – 2023]], Committee Room M514, Fifth Floor, Marks Building, Parliament, 08:00-13:00 – Streamed live on 7 December, 2023
COMMITTEE MEETING (National Assembly), [Briefing by the National Intelligence Coordinating Committee (NICOC) on its input into the General Intelligence Laws Amendment Bill (GILAB); Briefing by the Office for Interception Centres (OIC) on its input into GILAB; Briefing by the Designated Judge for Interception on input into GILAB [B40 – 2023]; Consideration and adoption of outstanding minutes], Committee Room M514, Fifth Floor, Marks Building, Parliament, 08:00-13:00 – Streamed live on 5 December, 2023