
Dear South Africa

0 comments delivered, so far (closes 21 February 2022)

The Portfolio Committee on Home Affairs invites interested individuals and organisations comment on the Electoral Amendment Bill [B1-2022].

    • The purpose of the Bill is to amend the Electoral Act, 1998, so as to insert certain definitions consequential to the expansion of this Act to include independent candidates as contesters to elections in the National Assembly and provincial legislatures

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    Dear South Africa


    The purpose of the Bill is to amend the Electoral Act, 1998, so as to insert certain definitions consequential to the expansion of this Act

    • to include independent candidates as contesters to elections in the National Assembly and provincial legislatures;
    • to provide that registered parties must submit a declaration confirming that all its candidates are registered to vote in the region or province where an election will take place;
    • to provide for the nomination of independent candidates to contest elections in the National Assembly or provincial legislatures;
    • to provide for the requirements and qualifications which must be met by persons who wish to be registered as independent candidates;
    • to provide the procedure to follow for a non-compliant nomination of an independent candidate;
    • to provide for the inspection of copies of lists of independent candidates and accompanying documents;
    • to provide for objections to independent candidates;
    • to provide for the inclusion of a list of independent candidates entitled to contest elections;
    • to provide that independent candidates are bound by the Electoral Code of Conduct;
    • to provide for the return of a deposit to independent candidates in certain circumstances;
    • to amend Schedule 1; to substitute Schedule 1A; and
    • to provide for matters connected therewith.