
This National Spatial Development Framework (NSDF), the first of its kind, seeks to make a bold and decisive contribution to bringing about the peaceful, prosperous and truly transformed South Africa, as articulated in the Freedom Charter, the Reconstruction and Development Programme and the National Development Plan. It does so in full recognition of:

• The stranglehold that the unjust national spatial development paradigms,
logics and patterns of the past have placed on our many attempts at
breaking the back of poverty, unemployment and inequality;

• The valuable, and often hard lessons we have learnt over the last twentyfive years in our pursuit of national reconstruction, inclusive economic
growth and spatial transformation; and

• The necessity for decisive, collaborative and targeted state action in
national space, to drive our country towards the shared, inclusive and
sustainable future we desire and require. In accordance with this transformative agenda, and guided by the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act, Act 16 of 2013 (SPLUMA), the NSDF consists of seven interrelated parts:

• Part One (1) provides an overview of the background to, need for and role
of the NSDF, (2) locates it within the context of the National Development
Plan (NDP), and (3) sets out the NSDF’s theory of change to move the
country from where we are, to the South Africa we want and need;
• Part Two provides an overview of the process that was followed in the
compilation of the NSDF, including (1) the data that was gathered and
processed, (2) the work-sessions that were held, and (3) the consultations
and engagements that were undertaken;
• Part Three provides a high-level overview of a series of significant national
spatial development dynamics, challenges and opportunities that impact
upon, and shape both (1) the national development landscape, and (2)
our ability to realise our national development goals;
• Part Four (1) puts forward the national spatial development vision of a
shared and just South Africa, (2) sets out the ‘shifts’ that must be made in
the national spatial development logic based on the objectives and
directives of the NDP and the SPLUMA principles, to enable a radical,
transformative and decisive change in our national spatial development
pattern, (3) puts forward six national spatial development levers to give
spatial expression to the national spatial development vision, and support
the shifts that need to be made in accordance with the new national
spatial development logic, (4) provides a set of five required national spatial
outcomes to achieve the national development objectives, as outlined in
the NDP, and realise the national spatial development vision and desired
national spatial development pattern, as outlined in the NSDF, and (5) gives
an indication as to what life would be like in our country by 2050 if the vision
is pursued, the necessary shifts are made and the six national spatial
development levers are appropriately and effectively used;
• Part Five provides national spatial development and investment guidance
in the form of (1) an ideal national spatial development pattern, (2) five
NSDF sub-frames, and (3) five national spatial action areas, to inform, direct
and guide all infrastructure investment and development spending
decisions by government and the private sector, to enable us to achieve
the desired national spatial development pattern for South Africa in 2050,
and in doing so, realise our national development objectives, as set out in
the NDP;
• Part Six deals with the implementation of the NSDF, and (1) outlines the
measures, approach and actions required to realising our national spatial
development vision in a coherent, diligent and systematic way, and (2)
provides an overview of the role-players involved in doing so; and
• Part Seven provides a summary of, and conclusion to the NSDF.

While the NSDF recognises the challenges involved in bringing about the
necessary changes in planning, budgeting and implementation in and
between the three spheres of government, it is also very clear as to their
importance in contributing to the joint crafting of our desired and shared future.