The Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development has published the Draft National Spatial Development Framework (NSDF), and is asking you to comment.
33 provided input.

This National Spatial Development Framework (NSDF), the first of its kind, seeks to make a bold and decisive contribution to bringing about the peaceful, prosperous and truly transformed South Africa, as articulated in the Freedom Charter, the Reconstruction and Development Programme and the National Development Plan. It does so in full recognition of:
• The stranglehold that the unjust national spatial development paradigms,
logics and patterns of the past have placed on our many attempts at
breaking the back of poverty, unemployment and inequality;
• The valuable, and often hard lessons we have learnt over the last twentyfive years in our pursuit of national reconstruction, inclusive economic
growth and spatial transformation; and
• The necessity for decisive, collaborative and targeted state action in
national space, to drive our country towards the shared, inclusive and
sustainable future we desire and require.
Read full summary here
Comments close on 19 March 2020
Have your say – shape this policy.
Important to note; This is a legally mandated public policy-shaping process. By using DearSA’s platform you ensure an accurate record is held by civil society (so government cannot dispute participation facts or figures) which forms a solid foundation for a legal case should the necessity arise. It is not a petition. Your input is immediately sent to government and must, by law, be individually acknowledged and considered. Had this been a petition, all public input would be grouped as a single submission.