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Displaying the 30 latest comments.
Submitted | first-name | support | top-concern | message |
2025-03-19 23:22:10 +02:00 | Karen | No I do not | Part IX — General land development mechanisms | |
2025-03-17 11:20:42 +02:00 | David | No I do not | Other | The ANC government department has even handled things efficiently. This is just a smoke screen for more disaster, guaranteed. |
2025-03-14 12:48:30 +02:00 | Joseph | No I do not | Other | No government department has even handled things efficiently. This is just a smoke screen for more disaster, guaranteed. |
2025-03-13 19:04:37 +02:00 | Miemie | No I do not | Part II — Definitions | Ek dink hulle moet eerder kontrole oor die wat werk en die wat rus en die wat kyk uitvoer. Hul moet Munisipale bestuur se vermoë toets of hul enigsins bevoeg is om rekeningkunde toe te pas. Mense betaal vir dienste wat hul nie kry nie en dis ok. Ek het 2 sent rente gekry vir laat betataling maak nie saak hoe laat , ek betaal Ek dink hul maak soos hul wil. Is die werker dood wat onlangs in Mangaung geskiet is? Dink jy ek wil soontoe gaan as ek n probleem het? Dink eindtyd is naby, dis net geld,geld,en nogmaals geld. |
2025-03-12 15:36:38 +02:00 | WJ | No I do not | Other | The whole of it concerns me. WHY is this necessary ? |
2025-03-10 19:59:19 +02:00 | Susan | No I do not | Other | NO |
2025-03-10 19:57:40 +02:00 | Susan | No I do not | Other | |
2025-03-10 16:00:59 +02:00 | Leigh | No I do not | Other | Another scheme to take land from the owners and hand it to another person. Land should be marked out for use of certain people that can be used for housing building, schools and used correctly, factories,work created and then employed people to pay taxes, |
2025-03-10 09:36:45 +02:00 | Tumi | No I do not | Part III — Use of land and buildings | |
2025-03-09 10:34:45 +02:00 | Helena | No I do not | Part VII — Land development administration | |
2025-03-07 18:21:15 +02:00 | Piya | No I do not | Other | My concern lies in the content of a single land use scheme that must include economic growth and social inclusion (emphasis premised on integration and inclusion rather than separation of land uses and areas) — an inclusive approach and society means every and all South Africans — not only to ’previously disadvantaged groups due to injustices of the Apartheid era’ — the black South African victimisation mentality fuelled by the ANC led government over the last 30+ years and now the ANC-majority led GNU may now longer use Apartheid as an excuse for their OWN racial discrimination against those marginalised during pre-Democratic SA. Thus, no racial discriminatory policies or practices in the new by-laws for the LUS - meaning: no racist criteria for LUS approvals. |
2025-03-07 14:26:31 +02:00 | Irene | No I do not | Other | This is a noxious Bill as it is a means by which EWC will be slowly ushered in without public consent, knowledge and the opportunity to have a public voice. It will be presented under the auspices of seemingly beneficial state goals which are not atainable. This Bill is simply the state’s first step to attacking and taking away ownership rights of South Africans. A further concern is that as many other administrations are already being mismanaged and misused, there are serious doubts that this one will be managed successfully. We do not want informal settlements within a 10km radius of our properties. Overpopulation in a suburban environment will bring more crime into the area and property values will decrease. The infrastructure can barely cope with the existing number of people as it is . |
2025-03-07 09:18:17 +02:00 | Nic | No I do not | Other | I say NO to this very noxious Bill. It is the way EWC will be slowly ushered in under our noses and under the auspices of seemingly beneficial state goals. This Bill is simply the state’s first step to attacking and taking away ownership rights of South Africans. |
2025-03-06 22:40:05 +02:00 | Lynn | No I do not | Part VII — Land development administration | The concern is that as many other administrations are already being mismanaged, and misused, there are serious doubts that this one will be managed successfully |
2025-03-06 21:14:54 +02:00 | Arnel | No I do not | Other | Do not want informal settlements within 10km radius from my property. It will bring more crime into the area and property values will decrease. The infrastructure can barely manage the existing properties with roads not maintained and traffic lights out with weekly power cuts due to vandalized or faulty cables. |
2025-03-06 20:55:46 +02:00 | Dean | No I do not | Other | |
2025-03-06 17:50:55 +02:00 | Hennie | No I do not | Other | |
2025-03-06 10:55:37 +02:00 | Kevin | No I do not | Part III — Use of land and buildings | |
2025-03-06 10:46:51 +02:00 | Ingrid | Not fully | Other | I'm so concerned that once again this Scheme allows room for mismanagement, misuse of public funds and dodgy benefitting schemes & nepotistic tenderpreneurs with this. We South Africans are sick and tired of the misuse of public funds. So for me, administration and follow through are of major concern for me. And VERY worryingly is the infrastructure required to enable further development like the crumbling electricity infrastructure, the toxic sewerage systems that are harming people and also the water crisis that government keeps avoiding. Please, not another development where monies are paid upfront and an enriched individual again runs off with the money. The people who need to benefit most from this Scheme (ie the poverty group & marginalised) will once again be worse off with the public funds in the wrong hands. Promises, promises and no benefit. I also wonder how land is allocated for new developments - how do we know that our natural resources will not be exploited and abused and left for ruin seeing as most municipalities have failed the people they are supposed to SERVE. I cannot handle seeing another failed scheme in this country that benefits the enriched MP's and their families and friends, but never reaches the people it's meant to. SAs are tired, angry and hungry. |
2025-03-05 13:19:30 +02:00 | Adele | No I do not | Part III — Use of land and buildings | |
2025-03-05 10:45:16 +02:00 | Jill | Yes I do | Part III — Use of land and buildings | |
2025-03-05 06:50:20 +02:00 | Anna | No I do not | Part III — Use of land and buildings | |
2025-03-05 01:37:17 +02:00 | Thabo | Yes I do | No concern | I’m totally in support of inclusionary housing. People shouldn’t be travelling hours to get work because of forced removals during apartheid. |
2025-03-04 21:19:34 +02:00 | Kurt | No I do not | Part III — Use of land and buildings | |
2025-03-04 15:20:55 +02:00 | Walter | No I do not | Other | |
2025-03-04 14:57:29 +02:00 | Adrie | No I do not | Part VII — Land development administration | It is to the best interest of all South Africans to keep the status quo in this regard. |
2025-03-04 04:27:13 +02:00 | Riana | No I do not | Part IX — General land development mechanisms | |
2025-03-03 13:46:48 +02:00 | ASR | No I do not | Part IX — General land development mechanisms | It is to the best interest of all South Africans to keep the status quo in this regard. |
2025-03-03 12:45:33 +02:00 | Thembani | Yes I do | Other | I am worried about what this will mean for residents of informal settlements. I assume that it will have positive implications for them, especially taking into consideration that a new section which focusses on the upgrading, transition and formalisation of informal settlements has been added. But we all know that principle does not always translate into practice. That said, I actually wonder whether the formalisation discourse will be taken seriously by the City or not. Hopefully, it will not only exist on paper. Indeed, hopefully it will be operationalised on the ground (assuming, of course, that the amended scheme gets the green light). And hopefully this scheme will have a lot of buy-in from the informal settlement residents themselves - Lord knows they have always come as an afterthought in such debates! |
2025-03-03 11:54:26 +02:00 | Nick | No I do not | Part III — Use of land and buildings |