

The City’s Informal Trading By-law was first promulgated on 20 November 2009, and reviewed on 6 December 2013. We intend to review the By-law again, and we would like to include you in the review process. It is currently an opportune time for a review, given, among other things:

  • the excellent work that has been done in the country with regard to the informal economy, and
  • the realities and lessons we have learnt during the Covid-19 pandemic.

All of the comments and suggestions we receive will be evaluated and a review report will be compiled and submitted to Council. Council will then make a recommendation on which comments and suggestions we will formally include in the process going forward.

Once a draft amendment by-law has been prepared, you will have an opportunity to provide further comments or suggestions.

In terms of section 17 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, Act 32 of 2000, you are invited to submit comments or suggestions to the municipality.