COCT paid parking

The City proposes to expand parking tariffs to more areas by converting free parking to paid.

5905 active citizens had a say


The City of Cape Town proposes to expand managed parking to areas where there is a high demand for on-street parking. ‘Managed parking’ means the City charges a tariff for the use of an on-street parking bay and that the tariff is determined by the time the bay is being occupied. Time restrictions are also applicable in these areas.

The City proposes to expand managed parking to Camps Bay (Subcouncil 16), Durbanville CBD (Subcouncil 7), Muizenberg (Subcouncil 19), De Waterkant (Subcouncil 16), Kenilworth (Subcouncil 20), Newlands and Rondebosch (Subcouncil 20), Gardens, Kloof, more streets in the Cape Town CBD (Subcouncil 16) and Gallows Hill (Subcouncil 16)

Commenting opened on 13 November 2019.
Comment no later than 13 December 2019.

Shape this policy now

    Do you support the NEW COCT PARKING TARRIFS? (see summary)
    Yes I doNo I do notNot fully

    If you are a business owner, do you think paid parking will affect your business?
    Yes I doNo I do notNot fully


    Important to note; This is a legally protected public policy-shaping process mandated in the SA Constitution. By using DearSA’s platform you ensure an accurate record is held by civil society (so government cannot dispute participation facts or figures) which forms a solid foundation for a legal case should the necessity arise. It is not a petition. Your input is immediately sent to government and must, by law, be individually acknowledged and considered. Had this been a petition, all input would be grouped as a single submission.

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