Cigarette Survey

Dear SA is running a survey to gauge the effects of government’s ban on the sale of tobacco. Information will be used to establish a foundation of supporting evidence for an upcoming court challenge.

Please note, this survey is for smokers and non-smokers as we need to obtain accurate data across all demographics. You are encouraged to participate on behalf of a co-worker, employee or friend who is unable to access this survey.

Your personal details will not be shared with anyone and are only to indicate unique submissions.

31395 have participated so far. Have your say below.

DearSA tobacco survey

Have your say – shape this policy.

    Do you feel government has a right to ban cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products (snuff/snus)?

    Did you (or person you are answering for) smoke or use a smokeless tobacco product (snuff/snus) before lockdown?

    Are you smoking/using a tobacco product during lockdown?

    GIMP mask


    Fita heads to Supreme Court of Appeal over tobacco ban

    The Fair-Trade Independent Tobacco Association has asked for urgent leave to appeal the high court’s dismissal of its challenge of the ban on cigarette sales in the Supreme Court of Appeal.

    Fita, in its application, said the North Gauteng High Court erred in interpretation of the threshold for concept of necessity in the Disaster Management Act in terms of which the government declared a state of disaster in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. [read more]

    As tobacco ban drags on, these smokers are demanding to have their voice heard

    The ban on the sale of tobacco products has been contentious from the moment that the national lockdown to curb the spread of Covid-19 was announced. Now, more than 100 days later, it remains a hot topic with government and tobacco companies slugging it out in court while activists wage their battle against the ban on social media.

    A group called Let Our Voices Be Heard SA, which lobbies support for the ban via its Facebook page as well as an online petition, believes that the government’s decision is infringing on the rights of citizens.  [read more]

    Judge in cigarette ban case may face suspension for ‘gross misconduct’

    A controversial judge in the Western Cape High Court – who recently postponed the cigarette ban case – is set to face a tribunal, after he was accused of several ‘gross misconduct’ offences. John Hlophe is alleged to have upset some of his staff, with a rap sheet including both verbal and physical abuse. [read more]