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No I do not
The proposed regulations in entirety
No I do not
The proposed regulations in entirety
As a parent myself, I feel we have the right to choose, where and how our children receive an education.

I do not trust that our government has our childrens best interest at heart and that is a really big concern.

They are stripping away our rights as parents to protect our children.
No I do not
The proposed regulations in entirety
This goes against the constitution of South Africa.
No I do not
Governance of School Governing Bodies
Why change what has been working for many years
No I do not
Governance of School Governing Bodies
No I do not
The proposed regulations in entirety
Sex education: as a parent I reserve the right of how much my child should learn at what age.
Jailing of parents: Our society has so many problem already and we have a system that is willing to traumatised children and leave them with no support or structure because they chose to have their children learning in a comfortable environment that is conducive for the child.
Curriculum: just as adults children learning differently and a big class doesn't always cater to each child's learning style. As a parent I can dedicate my time I. Ensuring that my child learns and grasp concepts well. As a parent I don't have time limits to teaching any new concepts I can only move on when my child understands. I have so many objections to this Bill, I can't imagine why the government thinks it's okay
No I do not
The proposed regulations in entirety
No I do not
The proposed regulations in entirety
No I do not
Governance of School Governing Bodies
We cannot have a situation where our children are basically wards of the status, where we as parents do not have a say in the direction of education our children should take.
A parent had the best interest of the child at heart, knows the personality of that child and should NOT the state. The child is just a name or number to the state, so enforcing regulations such as these is not in the best interest of the child, the parents, the family and the community as a whole. To jail a parent for not complying with these unjust laws will further put strain not only on the legal system but the family and community structure as well. It will be a source of disruption for the entire community.
No I do not
The proposed regulations in entirety
I do not support this at all.
No I do not
The proposed regulations in entirety
My child, my responsibility.
No I do not
The proposed regulations in entirety
There is so much wrong with this bill that I don't have enough space to write it all. Every inch of section 35 is utterly nonsense.
There are different teaching styles for home schooling and as long as the children are happy and learning what they should it is fine. Why must parents be jailed or fined because an outsider feels they have the right to traumatize a child instead of providing support and guidance to fix it instead of causing a bigger problem. Who will look after the child if the parent goes to jail?
Who will make sure the child is protected and safe? Who will proved help for their mental and emotional trauma?

Sexual education should be the responsibility of the parent and not the education department and curriculum especially at such an young age. Biology classes covering reproductive aspects are fine.

Then also making registering for homeschooling compulsory is unnecessary as long as each homeschooled child passes an end exam or assessment it should be fine. What about the homeless children should the government not see to them first with maybe mobile schools in the area so that they can have a future? There are really more pressing matters than what is proposed in this bill.
No I do not
Governance of School Governing Bodies
No I do not
The proposed regulations in entirety
No I do not
I disagree, my child is my responsibility. I teach them what values and beliefs we follow as a family... the school teaches them Math, Science, History.
I have a right to have an input and a say with ANYTHING involving my child, That's why I am called the LEGAL guardian.
No I do not
The proposed regulations in entirety
No I do not
The proposed regulations in entirety
I do not agree with this and condemn it entirely.
These are our children. Leave them alone.
No I do not
The proposed regulations in entirety
No I do not
The proposed regulations in entirety
I do not agree to this, as my Child is my responsibility not yours and I do not give consent for you to make such nonsense take form in our schools. We have a people's right and a God Given right not to agree to this.
No I do not
Governance of School Governing Bodies