Acsa is calling for public comments and proposals by 6 June, for the renaming of not only Cape Town’s airport, but East London Airport, Port Elizabeth International Airport and Kimberley Airport as well.
Four possible names have already been put forward: Nelson Mandela, Albertina Sisulu, Winnie Madikizela-Mandela and Robert Sobukwe.
You are invited to comment in the form below. Should you be at a loss for words, read the live input or documents. Feel free to copy and paste into the message area provided. Closing date is midnight 6 June 2018.
It is important to note this is not simply a petition but is the first step in an essential Participative Democracy process. And here’s the best bit; as each comment is immediately sent as a unique email to the designated government representative, comments must, by law, be individually acknowledged and considered by the Government. Had this been a petition, they would treat it as a single comment.
By using this service you ensure an accurate record is held by civil society (on our encrypted database) so government cannot fudge facts and figures. This process forms a solid foundation for a legal case should the necessity arise.
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[whatsapp url=”” title=”*THIS IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT.* Acsa is calling for public comments and proposals by 6 June, for the renaming of not only Cape Town’s airport, but also East London Airport, Port Elizabeth International Airport and Kimberley Airport as well. Four possible names have already been put forward: Nelson Mandela, Albertina Sisulu, Winnie Madikizela-Mandela and Robert Sobukwe. *PLEASE CLICK THE LINK TO HAVE YOUR SAY AND THEN SHARE WITH ALL YOUR CONTACTS*”]
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- An application will be made to the relevant Geographical Names Provincial Committee for processing by Acsa.
- These committees will verify that the applications comply with the guidelines in the national Handbook on Geographical Names.
- The provincial committees will then forward the applications to the SAGNC. The council will take a decision on the form or forms of names and recommend them for the Minister of Arts and Culture’s approval.
- Once the names have been approved by the minister, they will be published in the Government Gazette. A period of 30 days is required for any objections to be submitted in response to the Gazette.
- Should any objections be received, the minister will assess them before a final decision is published in the Gazette.
- The Department of Transport and Acsa will then implement the official names as soon as possible.