AARTO bill

The Department of Transport invites you to comment on the on the draft Regulations developed to govern the implementation of the Administrative Adjudication of the Road Traffic Offences (AARTO) Act.

3183 active citizens had a say

This is a NEW call for comment (on the published regulations), if you commented previously on the AARTO Amendment Bill, please comment on these regulations – which are inconsistent with the Constitution and are likely to result in further legal challenges.

Call for comments opened 11 October 2019.
Comment no later than Sunday10 November 2019.

Shape this policy now

    Do you support the AARTO Bill (see summary)
    Yes I doNo I do notNot fully


    Important to note; This is a legally protected public policy-shaping process mandated in the SA Constitution. By using DearSA’s platform you ensure an accurate record is held by civil society (so government cannot dispute participation facts or figures) which forms a solid foundation for a legal case should the necessity arise. It is not a petition. Your input is immediately sent to government and must, by law, be individually acknowledged and considered. Had this been a petition, all input would be grouped as a single submission.

    PUBLIC INPUT displaying latest 5


    AARTO - DearSA