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The public is hereby invited to submit written comments on the Review of the City of Johannesburg Land Use Scheme 2018 in terms of Section 7(5) of the Rationalisation of Local Government Affairs Act 1998, Section 12 of the Local Government Municipal Systems Act no 32 of 2000..
Council will consider all comments before a decision is taken on this matter.
Have your say – shape the scheme.
The public is hereby invited to submit written comments on the Review of the City of Johannesburg Land Use Scheme 2018 in terms of Section 7(5) of the Rationalisation of Local Government Affairs Act 1998, Section 12 of the Local Government Municipal Systems Act no 32 of 2000.
The Land Use Scheme, 2018 adopted and approved in terms of the City of Johannesburg Municipal Planning By-law, 2016, (as amended 2023), gives effect to the City’s Municipal Spatial Development Framework and determines the use and development of land within the City’s area of jurisdiction to promote:
- Economic growth, social inclusion, and efficient land development.
- Minimal impact on public health, the environment, and natural resources.
- Guarantee the right to sustainable cities, urban land, housing, environmental management, urban infrastructure and service delivery, transportation, public services, work and leisure for current and future generations.
- Democratic administration using the participation of both the individual property owner and representative associations of the various segments of the community in the formulation, execution, and monitoring of urban development projects, plans and programmes.
- Cooperation between governments, private initiatives, and other sectors of society in the urbanization process, in service of the social and economic interest.
- Planning and sustainable development of the Municipality, through the management and coordinated promotion of growth across the city along with desirable development, to correct the distortions of historical planning systems and their negative effects on the environment.
- Supply of urban and community equipment, transportation, and public services adequate for the interests and needs of the population and the local characteristics.
- Management of land use, to enable and facilitate efficient, effective, and compatible urban development, the coordination of urban growth, a responsive environment the upgrading and rejuvenation of certain areas in the city, and effective environmental management.
- Fair distribution of the benefits and burdens resulting from the urbanization process.
- Adaptation of tools of economic, tax and financial policy and of public spending to the objectives of urban development, to give priority to investments.
- Simplification of the legislation concerning subdivisions, land use, occupation and building regulations, to permit a reduction in costs and an increase in the supply of erven and housing units.
- Equality of conditions for public and private agents in the promotion of developments and activities related to the urbanization process, serving the social and economic interests.
The Scheme is a key land use management and urban development tool that guides, controls, and directs the use of land in the city.