
National Minimum Wage 2025


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The National Minimum Wage Commission has published its report and recommendations on the annual review of the national minimum wage and is asking you to comment.
comments individually delivered (closes 14 Jan, 2025)

The National Minimum Wage Commission has published its report and recommendations on the annual review of the national minimum wage and is asking you to comment.

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    The Chairperson of the National Minimum Wage Commission (Commission) published, by way of the Government Gazette (GG), an invitation for written representations, published on the 20th of August 2024. The public was requested to provide inputs on the adjustment of the National Minimum Wage for 2025. In addition to the written submission, a survey form was attached to the published notice. Six hundred and sixty (660) inputs were received.

    Two input reports emanated from the public inputs, the first report comprised of the results and findings from the survey form/questionnaire attached to the written notice. The focus of this report includes demographic questions to assist the research team to analyse the data better and to get more concise and direct responses to questions covering the major concerns of respondents and recommendations.

    The second report included the written submissions from the organisations. This report provided a summary of the written submissions from the various organisations, trade unions and interested parties. Both reports are presented to the commission to aid in the deliberation process of the annual wage review. The following abstract gives a summary of the findings from the submissions report, survey report, and the provided recommendations.

    Annual review

    6. (1) The Commission must review the national minimum wage annually and make recommendations to the Minister on any adjustment of the national minimum wage, which minimum wage must commence on a date fixed by the President by proclamation in the Gazette.

    (2) The review report to the Minister must reflect any alternative views, including those of the public, in respect of any recommendations made in terms of subsection (1).

    (3) The Commission must forward the report on its review and its recommendations for the next year to the Minister on a date fixed by the President by proclamation in the Gazette.

    (4) If the Minister does not agree with, or requires clarity in respect of, the report and recommendations, the Minister may, in the prescribed manner, refer the report and recommendations back to the Commission to clarify or reconsider its recommendations.

    (5) The Minister must, by a date fixed by the President by proclamation in the Gazette, determine the adjustment to the national minimum wage, and by notice in the Gazette, amend the national minimum wage contained in Schedules 1 and 2.

    (6) The Minister must, within seven days of the publication of the amended Schedules in the Gazette, table the amended Schedules 1 and 2 in Parliament and publish the final report of the Commission in a prescribed manner.